Bad Crazy in Internet Space

by on Mar 16, 2009

The last few weeks have taken us to the edge of New Eden. The Goonswarm intelligence director and solar spymaster, The Mittani, has given us <a href="" target="_blank">blow-by-blow accounts of the war</a> going o

The last few weeks have taken us to the edge of New Eden. The Goonswarm
intelligence director and solar spymaster, The Mittani, has given us href="" target="_blank">blow-by-blow
accounts of the war
going on in The Delve and what it takes to lose a war. But what happens
when a person devotes weeks to a game without even taking the time to
sleep? That's the kind of question The Mittani explores in this week's
article, "Bad Crazy in Internet Space." Believe me, this article is
definitely one to read.

was sacrificed, work was skipped, and as each day passed a
greater edge of delirium inserted itself into the normal operations of
the alliance. One of our logisticians woke his wife up in the middle of
the night shouting that "We've got to pack up everything and move the
babies to Delve!" Another Goonswarm director told his wife that she
should only use half the detergent in the dishwasher, because the
"salad bowls are in reinforced mode." And yours truly (so I am told)
once sat bolt-upright in bed and warned his spouse: "Don't touch that!
Don't open the refrigerator! The spy is in the refrigerator!" before
abruptly passing back out.

target="_blank">You can read the rest of the exclusive EVE
article by clicking here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016