Welcome everyone to my brand new column, Hall of Justice! I've greatly enjoyed writing for TenTonHammer, and have always prided myself on effectively expressing a point while still maintaining professionalism when writing up editorials. However, sometimes there are topics that deserve to be spoken about just a bit more openly and honestly, and it's for those topics that I have started up this new, video-based column.

For the inaugural episode, we'll be looking at what causes a sudden influx of negativity surrounding a popular game, and the effects it can have on the player base, particularly those that actually enjoy the game. There's actually a fair bit of psychology that plays into this, so let's talk about what actually affects this, the influence it can actually have on you, and what really matters in the end.


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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016

About The Author

A longtime fan of competitive gaming, Jeremy got his first chance to work in the field as a writer for eSportsMax. Now eSports Editor for TenTonHammer, he looks to keep readers aware of all of the biggest events and happenings in the eSports world, while also welcoming new fans who aren't yet sure where to go to get the most relevant information. Jeremy always looks to provide content for new fans and veterans alike, believing that helping as many people as possible enjoy all the scene has to offer is key to its growth.


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