Gigantic requires Windows 10 and I require the choice not to upgrade, because there is nothing out there that is going to force me to upgrade my operating system to something I don't want to upgrade to. I love Microsoft, as a company, I love their phones, and I've used their operating systems since DOS and Windows 3.1 / 3.11, but that's not going to change anything at all in regards to me playing Gigantic. I'm sorry, it's not happening, because I'm not upgrading - free update or not.
There are many reasons I'm not upgrading right now. In the future, yes, but right now no. First of all, my computer is the way that I desire it to be. I don't need to reinstall anything, I don't need to format, and it's stable as a rock. I don't turn my computer off until the power goes out, and even then it boots up within seconds back to where I was at. It's a beautiful thing.
My drivers are carefully curated versions to maximize compatibility with the games I'm playing right now. The games that I enjoy playing right now work fine and I see no gains in upgrading. Additionally, my hardware is aging, and I'm getting insane performance on it right now - not a gamble I'm ready to take.
Maybe I would try Windows 10 on a new hard drive, perhaps, but then I'd probably have to buy it or use some contrived thing where I'd need to mirror my current hard drive to see if that'll work, but I don't think that's the path I'm wanting to take here - that's work, when what I have right now is more than fine.
I'm sorry if any of you disagree with me, I know most everyone has upgraded and that's ok. I used Windows 98 for the longest time, until Windows 2000 came out and I held onto it until Windows XP SP1, at which point I made the move. Even then, I went back to Windows 2000 and barely used Windows XP except when I had to.
I did try Windows ME once. Once. I don't think I need to clarify more. Bought a copy of it at K-Mart, it was an upgrade and not a full install, because I got the cheapest one. So I had to uncover a copy of Windows 98 in order to install it, because my computer had no operating system.
Windows 7 I adapted when there was no more room in this world to use Windows XP. I never used Windows Vista. I used Windows 7 briefly, before I built a new computer and installed Windows 8 onto it, where I'm going to currently sit until there is overwhelming proof that I absolutely need to move to Windows 10, at which point I'll purchase a copy of it that doesn't have spyware built into the actual operating system.
So here is the sins Windows 10 has going for it. First, the spyware thing. You have to tell it in multiple places not to phone home with your info. Thanks. Like, why do I need memes to tell me how to secure my operating system from Microsoft logging my data? Why is that even a thing? Did Microsoft maybe not think by default I don't need them to process my personal information like crazy?
Secondly, there isn't a product key like before, so much as it's attached to your computer's hardware hash and this can be bothered by some changes in the internal constructs of your PC. No thank you, why do I need to validate my Windows with my hardware information? Why can't I just you know, have a regular 'ol serial key.
Finally, there is a laundry list of issues people are having. Wifi is cutting out. Authentication problems. Microsoft's own servers going insane. Software compatibility. It's all your mileage may vary. However, I don't want to risk those problems until it's matured a bit more and got some good ol fashioned quality testing.
So Gigantic can be Windows 10 only, but this gamer will not be playing. I'm sorry. Oh, I don't own an Xbox One either. Because, well, I'm not capable of owning literally every gaming console out there. I'll let my colleagues who have given in to Windows 10 or own an Xbox One play, meanwhile you'll find me doing something different, as much as I'd love to play it, I just won't.
Oh and yeah, I'm 100% sure it could work on other operating systems too, but that's just me. It's a jerk move to say upgrade to our new operating system or you can't play this game. Oh well, I just won't be playing.
Not that I think it's a bad game or anything, I'd need some time with it to judge it, it's just that I can't give a chance because a game can't dictate to me that I need a brand new operating system to join in the fun.
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