Loading... E3-peen

by on Jun 18, 2010

Team Hammer is making its way home from Los Angeles, weary (or perhaps still wired) from their E3 adventure, which included braving the show floor to deliver <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/e

Team Hammer is making its way home from Los Angeles, weary (or
perhaps still wired) from their E3 adventure, which included braving
the show floor to deliver href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/events/e3/2010">ten tons
of MMOG content. Reuben "Sardu" Waters gives his event
post-mortem and waxes poetic (or not) about the psychological
implications of large booths and well-endowed booth babes in today's href="http://tentonhammer.com/loading/2010/jun/18">Loading...

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016