Loading... October 6th, 2010 - The Cure for One and Done

by on Oct 06, 2010

Once upon a time, we measured our commitment to a single MMOG in years rather than months.

Once upon a time, we measured our commitment to a single MMOG in years rather than months. When the genre was new, the novelty was enough to carry us along until we’d forged lasting friendships within a game that could keep us logging in long after we realized the game itself had become a grind. But MMOGs are no longer a novelty, and players have become nomadic, abandoning many games after the one month free trial expires. Developers have learned to create compelling newbie experiences, but what can hold players beyond that one month period? Karen “Shayalyn” Hertzberg explores one possible solution in Loading… The Cure for One and Done.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016