Loading... Putting the RPG Back in MMOs

by on Aug 05, 2010

<p>As the tools for tweaking character appearance in MMOGs continue to advance, it seems that somewhere along the lines the concept of giving those characters some form of personality or motivational

As the tools for tweaking character appearance in MMOGs continue to advance, it seems that somewhere along the lines the concept of giving those characters some form of personality or motivational behaviors has fallen by the wayside. But let’s face it, even if you spend countless hours aligning symbols along the sleeves of your wizard robes or tweaking sliders to achieve the perfect snarling façade for your warrior, you’re still ultimately creating Generic Hero #100,001.

Today we’ll take a look at how ArenaNet hopes to change all that by facilitating a more personalized gameplay experience with Guild Wars 2 in Loading… Putting the RPG Back in MMOs.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016