While many new players and returning old players come and try out World of Warcraft, most of them choose not to stick around. There are many reasons that players choose to not continue their game play, many of which you could probably correctly guess. However, you might find yourself surprised at one of the major reasons behind the dissatisfaction of players both old an new; intimidation.

Let's face it, WoW has had over 10 years to accumulate new levels, reputation, and content. Like a hoarder on one of those really bad reality shows, the game has taken on a heap of stuff over the years and has discarded very little. While players who are currently playing may not notice, new and returning playing can find playing catch-up rather daunting. Not sure what I'm talking about? Here are five reasons why playing catch-up in World of Warcraft is intimidating:

Just Keep Leveling

Leveling has never been easier in World of Warcraft. However, despite the new found ease of leveling, it doesn't mean that is is a total cake walk. Imagine entering the game as a brand new player, only to find that you have to now to go form level 1 to level 100. That can seem like a major feat, especially without the helpful guidance of friends.

Even if you are a returning player, the leveling process can still seem like quite the daunting task. This is especially true if you are in a hurry to catch up to friends, take a position in a guild, or just want to experience the new end game content before the next patch or expansion hits. The feeling of pressure to rush to max level for both new and returning players can make the seemingly simple task of leveling feel like a mountain rather than a molehill.

Reputation Grind

Just seeing the word reputation can make the most seasoned WoW player groan. Reputation grinds are a fact of life in the game. No one really likes them, but they are a necessary and inescapable evil. Even under the best circumstances, grinding reputation can feel like pushing a bolder up a hillside. For players returning to or just joining the game, they can feel downright hopeless.

Not only is grinding the reputation a major pain if you are late to the party, so is trying to figure out which are actually needed and which can be skipped over. The addition of new reputations while you play catch up make things even more complicated. Even if you manage to only take on the reputations needed, you are still in for a long, arduous task that will make almost any player consider calling it quits.

Secondhand Storyline

For players who have been around for awhile, the story behind the game is pretty easy to follow. However, new and returning players may find themselves in the dark. While you will follow the storyline pretty closely while questing, it is difficult to take it all in. Not to mention that there is simply nothing quite like experiencing these things as they are happening. Being caught up in the hype after the Cataclysm or on the march for the Lich King is a whole different experience from coming in after the party is over and done.

No Friend Zone

The idea behind and part of the appeal of any MMO is that you will ultimately be making and playing with friends. For new players, friends are something that will come with time. However, at that first log in you will find yourself quite on your own. Even returning players can find themselves feeling all alone with a friends list full of players who have left the game for other adventures or who are tackling higher level content without them. Considering that millions of players play WoW, in these situations it can start to feel like an extremely lonely place.

Road Map

Finally, we come to our final intimidating factor on the list; the lack of a in-game road map. While playing WoW you will ultimately be working your way to the end game. While the quest line will push you in the right direction, what you should be doing is not very clear.

Most new and returning players find they have no sense of what is important, where to go, or what they should do to. They find themselves floundering, moving through the game with no sense of what important things they should be hitting up along the way. While the Adventure Guide is a step in the right direction, it isn't quite enough to ensure that players are taking on the things they need to as they move through the game.

The answer to this problem is not an easy one. Making the game less intimidating for players, without making it feel too easy is extremely difficult. However, with so many players turned off by the thought of playing catch-up it is apparent something needs to happen. Only with fresh blood running into the game will World of Warcraft' future be ensured.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our World of Warcraft Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Amunet, also fondly known as Memtron, is an organic life form best known for its ongoing obsession with Blizzard Entertainment's numerous properties. To that end, Amu has authored hundreds (thousands?) of the most popular World of Warcraft guides, editorials, and Top 10 lists on the planet. When not gaming and writing, Amu is busy chasing after her three children in a perpetual loop of ongoing disaster.
