1.2.07 - ATD: Faction in Vanguard

by on Jan 02, 2007


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I know faction will be important in Vanguard and will
allow you to get quests\items with a certain faction level, but I have
a question regarding faction in general. Will I be able to visit towns
with opposing factions? For example, if I make a goblin character, will
I be able to travel and visit the Dwarf city without being KoS? Are
there races that are more neutral and that can get about anywhere?

     - marcjpb

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If you’re
a goblin and you are hated by the dwarves; odds of them letting you in
their city aren’t very good. However, there is nothing to
stop you from working on your faction with them so they don’t
harass (or try to kill *grin*) you when you enter.

- Nick Parkinson,
Community Manager

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016