10.18.06 - POLL: Pre-Order

by on Oct 18, 2006

<h1><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">Which Way Will You Go?</span> </h1> <h2 style="color: rgb(51, 51, 153);">Regular Edition or Collector's? Pre-order or Post-Launch?</h2>

Which Way Will You Go?

Regular Edition or Collector's? Pre-order or Post-Launch?

By Medeor

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With the recent announcement of the different editions of the game
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes last week, have you started to put your
pennies away for the edition you want to buy? Read up on the two
versions that will be available at launch href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=929">here
and then come back to vote and discuss which one tickles your fancy.

Sigil and SOE have put considerable value into the pre-order packages
and really brought me pause on which one is best for me (I mean come
on, I care about you, but really I'm all about me). The pre-purchase is
always attractive to me because it gets me into the game sooner and I
like the trinkets you get for being an early adopter. SOE has really
upped the ante with the other editions as well--the collector set
is drawing my eye. I like getting stuff that others won't have
later on, like in game trinkets and real life goodies. I think I might
be part barracuda because I'm drawn to all things shiny.

I see a few options when it comes to getting your Vanguard on. You
could wait for launch and purchase either the regular or collector's
edition; or you could pre-order either package when they come available
in December and get the extra pre-order goodies. Or I suppose you could
wait for a friend to give you a buddy key. So, will you buy the regular
edition, which is like buying a four-door sedan (you won't get any more
dates than you do now, but at least you can get there); or will you go
for it and get the Collector's Edition (which is the only one worthy of
being capitalized)--the Lincoln Navigator of game editions? And will
you pre-order to get the extra goodness of early gameplay access?

Collector's Editions are my weakness and I typically wait for the big
boxes to show up at my door via expensive overnight delivery, too. I
guess I'll see which way I will when we can actually hit the
"Submit" button on that order form. Which one will you buy or will you
schmooze a buddy out of their pass?

[EDITOR'S NOTE: There's been some confusion about the Collector's
Edition benefits, and I wanted to take a moment to clear it up. Many
people mistakenly believe that the CE comes with a three month
subscription to the game. Actually, it comes with a three month
subscription to Vanguard Station Players, a guild and
character stats management system. (Those of you who've played
EverQuest II should be familiar with it. ) I'm certain the game will
come with 30 days of free gameplay; but none of the packages actually
comes with three months of gameplay, despite what you might have heard.]

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So what's it gonna be: tall, grande, venti, or gigantica?

I'm a
cheapskate (but I call myself frugal) and will pilfer a pass from a
pre-ordering the regular edition. The color of the box will go nicely
with my four-door Oldsmobuick.
pre-ordering the Collector's Edition. I'm racing you to the pre-order
website, Medeor!
I'll get
the regular edition at a retail store when the game launches. I'm in no
big hurry.

probably pick up the Collector's Edition at retail when the game
undecided. Hell, I'm not even sure I have a buddy. 
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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016