11.23.06 - ASK: Customization in Crafting

by on Nov 24, 2006

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How customizable are items in the game? For example,
will you be able to add/remove masts from ships? Change weapon and
armor colors/styles or partical effects?

-Gun Monkey

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Generally the
customization is done during the process, not afterwards. Crafted items
will be very customizable as a rule. This will be most notable in its
statistics, which the crafter creates by using certain types of magical
catalysts. By adding catalysts with different properties, the crafter
can make different kinds of items. The style/appearance of the weapon
or armor will mostly be determined by the recipe itself. A Thestran
blade recipe will likely resemble a longsword while a Kojani blade
recipe will look like a katana. As can be expected, there will be
special recipes with weapons and armor that have a different look than
the normal recipes you learn.

- href="http://www.sigilgames.com/team/justindeeb.html">Justin
Deeb, Game Designer

this topic in our href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=349">forum!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016