12.03.07 - TT: Guide to Brotherhoods

by on Dec 04, 2007

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Tuesday Tip: Using Weaknesses

alt="Tuesday's Tips"

Guide to Brotherhoods

style="font-style: italic;">by Crystiana - edited by Dalmarus

This week's Tuesday's Tip was contributed by Crystiana. To
fit the format of our Tuesday's Tips, I've editted this version quite a
bit. Be sure to also take a look at the style="font-weight: bold;"
version as Crystiana shared a lot of personal experiences
with her Brotherhood! Thanks again, Crystiana! style="font-style: italic;">

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What is a Brotherhood and how can they help my friends and I?


The Brotherhood is a system that was designed with the goal of allowing
friends to play at different times, and / or different amounts of time,
but still be able to stay within the same level range of each other.

As with every answer here though, if only it was that simple...

Understanding how it works

A brotherhood works exactly like a group. Any experience brought into
the brotherhood will be divided among all members. Knowing this, any
member who joins one must accept the fact that you may not receive what
you put in. In order for every member to get exactly what they put in
all members must maintain the same brotherhood experience contribution.

Members that tend to fit well in "friendly" brotherhoods usually play
about the same amount of time during a week whether or not that time is
spent together. If you are an experience minded individual who is
trying to reach specific level goals most brotherhoods will slow you
down and you would want to choose one with a power-leveling base.

Brotherhood for Friendship

This type of brotherhood is great for people who enjoy following
quest-lines and achieving goals with friends. No matter how much each
member plays no one will be left behind and all backtracking and
"re-doing" of quests benefits the entire brotherhood. It is a great way
to establish long lasting friendships and get to know people better
than you normally would in a regular group.

Be warned! Experience may not always be what you want it to be. During
specific periods members may change play schedules or work on another
sphere while you may be grinding out the experience for the entire
group. This could prove to be most discouraging depending on what is
important to you.

This type of brotherhood is a selfless brotherhood one where individual
gain is far less important than the group and fellowship and friendship
are regarded as top priority.

Brotherhood for Experience

Power-leveling is the main goal of this type of brotherhood. You join
this brotherhood with one of two goals in mind: to gain levels quickly,
or to help a friend gain levels quickly.

It usually consists of one or 2 players of higher level and one or 2
players about 5 levels behind. This type of brotherhood is hard to make
successful. One must remember that yes, the higher levels will bring in
more experience per kill, but if the lower members play more and
complete more quests then their experience loss will quickly over-power
the experience gain.

The fasted way to test if this type of brotherhood is actually working
for you is to add up everyone’s brotherhood contributions and
divide it by the number of members in the brotherhood. If that number
is less than the number the lower members are contributing this
brotherhood is not working as intended and should be disbanded.

This is a great tool if used properly. This is how guilds can
strengthen numbers and help members become sufficient level to obtain


I suggest anyone wanting to join a brotherhood please weigh all the

If you are looking for a brotherhood for friendship make sure the other
members are heading in the same direction as you are and share common
goals. There is no point in helping to stay in the same levels if you
are going to be grouping in different continents. And it would be a
shame if you spend all your efforts staying in level range with someone
who retires or quits the game a month later.  

from Dalmarus
- If you've discovered anything
interesting and
would like to share, send us an email href="mailto:vanguard@tentonhammer.com">here!

style="font-weight: bold;">Got a newb question you'd like
answered in Tuesday's Tips? Or maybe you're the resident
answer person and you've made it your mission in life to help new
players. Head on over to href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/forumdisplay.php?f=340">The
Newb Haven on our forum. We just may feature your question or

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016