12.29.06 - GUIDES: Cities of Thestra

by on Dec 29, 2006

<h1 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">The Cities and Villages of Thestra</h1> <hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right">

The Cities and
Villages of Thestra

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The massive
continent of Thestra is the jewel in Telon's crown. Its rich
hinterlands abound with wildlife and expansive forest hiding untold
ruins ripe for exploration and high adventure. Thestra is the
birthplace of some of the realm's most famed adventurers and many more
travel to her shores in the hope of making a name for themselves.

The continent is also home to many of the grandest cities in all of
Telon. Caravans frequently stop at New Targonor, a human fort city
renowned for bustling marketplaces and political infighting between the
ruling houses. Walking underneath the elegant spires and grand towers
of the high elves city, Leth Nurae, is an experience to be treasured by
any traveler. Deep within the central mountain ranges of Thestra, the
formidable dwarven fortress of Bordinar's Cleft resides. The great
plains that stretch out from the dwarven held mountains are under
dominion of Halgarad, an outpost held by the barbarian peoples of
Varanjar and their allies, the lesser giants.

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The village of Tursh is the largest rural settlement on Thestra.
Located in the heartland of the Northern Plains, Tursh is regarded as a
sprawling farming community with a well known arcane academy. Aside
from the expanse of the residential section Tursh boasts a large Inn,
mercantile row, two large crafting halls, a monastery, the arcane
academy and the Western Watch Barracks. Running quietly through town is
the frigid North River which originates from the snow pack in the
Widows Veil Peak Mountains to the west. The river provides ample water
for the area’s vast farming and refining industries.

The local inhabitants arrive here to train, craft, and socialize with
adventurers from all over the Northern Plains. Tursh is a
stone’s throw away from Rindol Field, the home of the
Halflings, and both communities share a peaceful and mutually
beneficial coexistence. Guards at the Western Watch Barracks are called
upon to protect both Tursh and Rindol Field alike.

Lately things have descended into chaos as the academy has been overrun
by strange fiends; the likes of which have never been seen before. Dark
magic now encompasses the academy tower and seems to be radiating
outward through the soil. There have been sightings at the local
graveyard of the recently deceased coming back from the dead. Worse
still, as if living redcaps weren’t nuisance enough, they too
are rising from their graves seeking to cause havoc on the community.

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Rindol Field

Nestled deep within the foothills of the Widows Veil Peak Mountains
sits the rustic Halfling settlement of Rindol Field. Established
centuries ago, Rindol Field was spared the devastation other
communities endured during the Orc and Goblin Wars by camouflaging the
entire village thus remaining completely hidden. The area has seen a
facelift or two over the years, but the Halflings have basically kept
their village in the same state their ancestors did. Halflings carve
large holes into the foothills and decorate the entrance with a
welcoming façade. The dwellings keep their rotund bodies
cool in the summer and snug in the winter. Halflings begin their
journey in Rindol Field and upon arrival will feel immediately welcome.

The village is not without its share of troubles though. Lately, large
ants have been ravaging the harvest fields and have gone as far as to
start forcing their way into some resident’s homes. There is
constant squabbling between the Mayor and his chief rival as they vie
for influence and control over the village. The political divide has
split the town right down the middle, much like the North River that
flows along the village’s eastern edge. Residents on both
sides blame the other for the recent appearance of mischievous brownies
that are causing all sorts of mayhem. One thing both sides can agree on
is that the brownies are stealing the village’s primary food
and drink supply at the old Rindol Storehouse and something needs to be
done about it. Can you imagine visiting the local pub without
Bria’s award winning brie and flat bread and a smooth pint of
honey mead to wash it down?

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alt="Rindol Field"
src="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/files/gallery/albums/album16/Rindol_Field_3.thumb.jpg"> rowspan="3">


Carved into the seemingly impenetrable granite surfaces of the Widows
Veil Peak Mountains you will find the massive fortress of the dwarves
known as Bordinar’s Cleft. These over-sized catacombs have
housed generations of dwarven clans united under the banner of King
Flamehammer. Along with the areas only indoor coliseum exists the
continent’s largest brewery which exports an assortment of
ales and stouts as far east as Halgarad where the Jarl of the Highlands
has been known to drink an entire keg in under a fortnight. A complex
and somewhat complicated system of tunnels and mines connects vast
stretches of underground territory that allows access to several
locations within the Beranid Downs and the Northern Plains. The dwarves
are constantly at work; either mining ore or smithing the highest
quality implements for crafting and war.

There are whispers in the halls that the echoes of digging and
demolition heard late into the evening come not from the Dwarven
miners, but from the Gwartak kobolds that are searching for an ancient
lost artifact. The rabidly hostile relationship between dwarves and
kobolds has been a constant strain on the local guards who seem to
always be looking for fresh recruits. The position of
Bordinar’s Cleft relative to the invading undead armies has
stretched the clans so thin that they have begun to ask for assistance
from the local human and Halfling communities.

Dwarven adventurers begin their journey up the mountain from
Bordinar’s Cleft at the small mining hub of Shaletooth Tower.
Here you will cut your teeth helping the foremen of the local mines
clear out the array of vermin and assist the guard with the kobold
threat as you work your way to the great city of Bordinar’s

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alt="Bordinar's Cleft"

Leth Nurae

Perched on the smooth stone plateaus in the center of the Elven Forest
sits the city of Leth Nurae. Polished copper and intricate lattice work
adorn the clean and precisely etched limestone structures that dot the
landscape high above the Queen’s Lake beneath the city. A
cobblestone walking path meanders through the city connecting the
Florendyl Palace on one end with the Order of the Eternal Rose on the
other. Leth Nurae is centrally located on the continent making it a
primary hub for traveling merchants and adventurers of all shapes and
sizes. The city is serene and quiet which is in stark contrast to much
of the surrounding area.

The forest holds many mysteries, but none more troubling than those
revolving around the Kaon corruption that is spreading like wildfire.
While the city remains mostly safe, the outpost of Len Variel is beset
on all sides by Kaon. Once beautiful forest fae have been twisted and
deformed, and this corruption is said to be spreading to the Elves

The often maligned truce between the Elves and Vulmane has slowly been
turning sour and renegade members of the Bloodholwler Clan have been
seen stalking hunters who patrol the northern border of the Elven
Forest. The Order of the Eternal Rose has been given a mandate by the
Queen to detain and interrogate any vulmane found within the Elven
Forest. Orders to kill have been decreed should any intruder not comply.

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alt="Leth Nurae"
src="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/files/gallery/albums/album16/Leth_Nurae_7.thumb.jpg"> colspan="1" rowspan="3">


The rustic village of Halgarad is as rugged and timeless as the
barbarian and lesser giant tribes that now call it home. Weaving up the
solid granite outcroppings in the Highlands, the village of Halgarad
spirals up the mountain in tiers that denote social status and standing
within the tribes. The dwellings are a mix of solid stone buildings
assembled block by block from stones brought down from the quarries
near Falgarholm, to the more elegant long houses built from wood,
ivory, and tough hides.

When the dust had finally settled after the Bloodhowler’s
deception at the Vault of Heroes, the barbarians of Halgarad agreed to
harbor the exiled lesser giant families, lest the Broken Fang gnoll
clan pick them off one by one in the wilderness. The lesser giants have
since remained loyal to the barbarian tribes and help defend the
village as a way to express their gratitude and satisfy their sense of
duty. With the alliance between the barbarians and lesser giants as it
stands, Halgarad is the most defensible village on the entire
continent; keeping the inhabitants safe from the forces lurking in the

Being the original inhabitants to the region, the gnolls have been at
odds with the invaders from the west since they first appeared on the
mountainside centuries ago. Unable to coexist peacefully, the
skirmishes between the barbarian and gnoll clans remain a common
affair; that is until recently. The Broken Fang clan has usurped the
power of the elder council and has placed a moratorium on the random
attacks along the local trade routes and hunting grounds. Thick dark
smoke has been seen rising up near the ancient burial ground and
abandoned armory of the giants to the west. In fact, the Jarl himself
sitting in his regal longhouse atop Halgarad believes he was visited by
the spirit of Halgar, claiming the ancient furnaces have been lit.
Although he admits, it could have just been a dream.

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The Vulmane tribes that inhabit the settlement of Dahknarg generally
prefer to keep their interests mobile. Dahknarg however, is a somewhat
permanent village dug into the lower highlands where the foothills drop
into the Marsh of Peril. Located just far enough away from Halgarad to
the north and Leth Nurae to the southwest, the Vulmane live in relative
safety with few visitors from the outside. The village is carefully
situated with lookout towers and spiked walls to help keep the
inhabitants safe. Most dwellings consist of brightly painted animal
hides stretched across a wooden framework. Along with the
chieftain’s hall the village has several residential and
merchant huts that overlook the fighting pit near the center of the
settlement. Painted rocks portray stories and prayers to the spirits
and elders who the Vulmane believe are always looking down upon them in

The lower highlands are not without their share of conflict, and
Dahknarg is at the center of most of the activity. As long as there
have been vulmane, there have been gnolls who hate them. They are sworn
enemies of the Vulmane and live only to wipe them off the face of
Telon. Thankfully, the gnolls have spread themselves thin as they try
to deal with the encroachment of the barbarians to the north leaving
only small patrols to deal with Dahknarg.

The vulmane have recently had problems with the elves of Leth Nurae as
well. Hunting parties from Dahknarg routinely venture into the eastern
edges of the Elven Forest to hunt and train, but rangers from the Order
of the Eternal Rose have inexplicably started attacking the hunters on
sight. The chief of the Vulmane seems reluctant to declare war against
the elves, but something must be done as the elders are growing
increasingly concerned. Most troubling of all is the image of a giant
green fly that mysteriously appeared painted in elven blood on a rock
in the center of town causing the chief to call an emergency council

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016