4.26.07 - GUIDE: SomeGuy's Guide to Kalendra's Coven

by on Apr 26, 2007

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SomeGuy's Guide to Kalendra's Coven

by SomeGuy (Ten Ton Hammer community member)


Continent: Qalia

Chunk: Skrillien Point

Starting NPC: Guard Madari

Starting Location: Upside Defense Garrison

Quest Level: 20-25

Group or Solo: Group

The initial quest, called Prisoners of the Coven, is issued at Upside Defense Garrison by Guard Madari. You'll find additional quests as you travel through the Kalendra's Coven dungeon.

Getting There

The dungeon is located near the northeast coast in the Skrillien Point chunk on the continent of Qalia. From the Upside Defense Garrison just hug the mountains to the north all the way around until you are in Kalendra's Coven. From the altar (you can evac there to save some travel time) turn right and stay on the hill top all the way there to avoid wandering mobs.
Once you are there, keeping hugging the mountain. You'll come to a cave, but it's not the dungeon, so keep going around. The entrance is a hole in the ground with a stair case descending into the dungeon.

An overview of Kalendra's Coven. The entrance to the Kalendra's Coven dungeon. Proceed with caution! Mobs wait around every corner Click images to enlarge

Getting Around Inside

For reference, check out this map created by Verrik Immanitas of Florendyl: Kalendra's Coven map

Our group was a trio made up of a Dread Knight, Shaman, and Necro, thought we often picked up other stragglers:

Inside the dungeon entrance area, the mobs are all level 19-20ish 4 dots. If you're careful, you can get single and double pulls throughout most of the dungeon. The mobs hit pretty hard here for their level. There are also some complete healers such as the Pupils. The best way to kill them is to focus your group dps one at a time on them and burn them down, always taking out the healers first.

Be careful moving around inside. There could be a wanderer hiding around almost every junction/doorway. If you stand in the wrong spot you could pick up two wanderers and the two you pulled could suddenly become four...or six if the mobs have pets.

If you take the first right inside the big square room, you can do the jailer, FD quest and the witch all in about 20 mintues time. The jailer drops a nice yellow sword and helm, and the witch drops some great INT/spell damage caster gear, including a couple of heroics. (More info on that coming up.)

Be careful! Some mobs, such as pupils, complete heal. When skulkers attack! Failing pupils? Life at Hogwarts can be rough. Click images to enlarge

The Jailer

There's a named jailer that can spawn in room #4 on the map. Diguti is a static spawn.
We usually hit him on the way to the witch or the FD quest NPC.

Jailer Diguti plays rough.

Quest: The Art of Death

The reason we originally ventured to Kalendra's Coven was the FD quest. There's a couple of well written guides out there, including Ten Ton Hammer's guide by Polkadots, so I'll just add some notes. The whole FD quest can be done start to finish in about 10-15 minutes with a strong group (or trio like we have).

Short Explanation

Just kill down to room #2 on the map. Talk to Mater Vallerex and get the quest. When you leave the master's room, turn right and fight the wanderer guarding room #3. Move into room #3. Target and hail the pupil. Run back to room #2 before it repops. Talk to the master again; wait for him to flop; talk to him again...and you're done.

The Witch

The witch Kalendra is in the #1 room. She is a random spawn in a static location. Either her or a non-named version like "Coven Headmistress" will spawn every cycle. You're looking at 2-3 pulls of level 22 4 dot mostly melee mobs in the room, with her standing at the top of the staircase. She's a level 22 5 dot mob, and has a pet that's nastier than she is. If she's standing close enough to the stairs, you should be able to pull her single. Sometimes (like when she resets), she will stand in such a way where you get her, her pet and 2 protectors. We use the necro to FD pull her if she's standing in the wrong spot.

Her pet hits like a truck, so don't make the mistake of ignoring the pet and letting it get agro on your healer. We kept both agroed on our Dread Knight, and burned the witch down first.

Two quest lines take your group in here, the first time to click on the cauldron in the room, and the second time to kill the witch herself. The quest reward is a very good caster necklace and a decent melee necklace.

Our necro is wearing most of the witch's gear and does some crazy spell damage now. I can imagine what a sorc would do all decked out in her gear.

Kalendra's guardians would rather you didn't pay her a visit. Kalendra's mean minion is tougher than she is. Who's afraid of the big bad witch? Click images to enlarge


The Phat Lootz

Kalendra and her protector's loot:

Kalendra drops caster gear and her pet drops melee gear. She seems to be a random spawn with a placeholder on the top of the stairs in the center. Our 24 Dread Knight could usually single pull her (and her pet), but if we couldn't get her single, we would FD pull with the necro. She is a level 22 5 dot but doesnt hit as hard as she should. Her protector is a level 22 5 dot (4?) and hits much harder than Kalendra.

Robe of the Dark Witch

Type: Light Armor (binds on pickup)
Slot: Chest
Rarity: Heroic
Item Level: 22
79 AC
15 Wis
80 Energy
15 Int
26 Spell Damage Focus

Ring of the Dark Witch

Type: Ring
Slot: Finger
Rarity: Rare
Item Level: 22
7 Wis
13 Spell Damage Focus

Sash of the Dark Witch

Type: Light Armor (binds on pickup)
Slot: Chest
Rarity: Heroic
Item Level: 22
32 AC
8 Int
96 Energy

Boots of Agony

Type: Heavy Armor
Slot: Feet
Rarity: Rare
Item Level: 22
106 AC
8 Con
26 Hit Points
16 Acane Absorption

Cuffs of the Dark Witch

Type: Light Armor
Slot: Wrists
Rarity: Rare
Item Level: 22

20 AC
5 Int
19 Spell Damage Focus

Leggings of Agony

Type: Heavy Armor
Slot: Legs
Rarity: Uncommon
Item Level: 22
169 AC
106 Hit Points

13 Str

Named Jailer Loot

He's a level 21 4 dot (?) and he hits pretty hard. He's a random spawn in a static spot next to the jail and he can be pulled single.

Diguti’s Blade of Detainment

Type: Short Sword
Rarity: Rare
Item Level: 21
Damage: 29-44 (16.36 DPS)
Chance On Hit: Grasp of Earth I

Diguti’s Helmet

Type: Heavy Armor
Slot: Head
Rarity: Uncommon
Item Level: 21
81 AC
8 Vit
40 Hit Points

Diguti’s Protection

Type: Heavy Armor
Slot: Arms
Rarity: Uncommon
Item Level: 21
81 AC
8 Con
20 Hit Points
8 Spirit Absorption

Quest Rewards

Vallerex's Pendant of Purification

Type: Necklace
Rarity: Rare
Item Level: 22
53 Energy
10 Wis

Vallerex's Pendant of Vindication

Type: Necklace
Rarity: Rare
Item Level: 22
10 Dex
53 Hit Points


Our thanks to SomeGuy for sharing his great guide with the community. Got comments? Post them here!


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016