5.07.07 - SOR MAY Bug List

by on May 06, 2007

Sorcerer Top Bugs & Issues

As of May 3, 2007

By Grimore Valentine

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This is one in a series of bug lists
the Class Specialists at Ten Ton
Hammer will be compiling for review by the Sigil development team. We
are inviting the developers to respond to any bugs they feel are
working as intended or to offer any explanation of how a bug on this
list might change in the future. Grimore submitted this list to share
with the community on the Ten Ton Hammer forums.

1. Rings

Upon dropping group and sometimes when chunking, the buff
the rings give will normally drop, making us have to unequip and
reequip the ring.

2. Energy Shards

The one-hour recast time is a bit extreme and makes the
spell not very efficient. Making the recast 15m or 30m would make the
spell a lot more useful.

3. Counter Spelling

With the current system, it is extremely difficult
to know what your offensive target is casting, which makes knowing
whether to reflect or nullify a spell guesswork mostly (meaning you
have to judge by spell cast icons). Making the icons either say the
name of the spell, or something that will allow players to know if the
spell is a nuke buff or heal, would making Countering a lot more
efficient and effective. Additionally, Couter Spelling does not work in
PVP (so I am told) this definitely needs to be corrected.

4. Flame Spear and Meteor Storm

Casting time on both of these spells
is too long. Cutting it down to 4 seconds would make them both more
efficient. Additionally, the recasts on them are also a bit extreme,
too. Cutting Flame Spear down to the same as the Char line and making
Meteor Storm no
more than 20 seconds would make both spells much more efficient and
useful. Also, reducing the mana cost of Meteor Storm by half (making it
500-600 Mana cost) would make the spell more cost efficient as well.

5. Amplification Spells

Reducing the recast time of all of these
spells to 2 or 3 minutes would make them much more impactful and
efficient--and also allow a bit more of a DPS pick-up.

6. Chromatic Barrier

Currently, there is almost no point to this
spell. The resistance doesn’t do to terribly much as a whole, and the
reflection portion of the spell rarely (if ever) works. From a PvE
standpoint, the spell needs a bit of a boost. From a PVP standpoint,
the spell needs a big fix.

7. Mirror/Nullifying Wards

They are fairly inefficient right now. Reducing the mana cost would
make these spells a lot more effective
and used a lot more often.

8. Color Spray

The effect appears to be blocked by angles or other
invisible obstacles. For example, if you are on a step below your mob
on some stairs, and the mob is up a bit, the spray will miss the mob,
even though the mob is technically in range and direct line of sight.
Additionally, if the graphic could represent the area of
effect better, it would give a better idea of what does and doesn’t get

9. AoE spells in General

A tool of some sort that will display what
mobs the spell will hit would be extremely helpful in judging distances
between mobs and if spells will land on them.

10. Finishers

When a player is “too fast” on trying to cast a
finisher, the finishers will actually “gray out” and then will not be
castable. This happens most often with Mimic.

11. Fire DoT

Besides the fact that I don’t believe that DoTs fit the
Sorcerer Class, the DoTs cancel each other out at times. Also, the DoT
Char appears to be higher than that of Incinerate. They either need to
stack, or Incinerate’s DoT needs to be boosted in damage.

12. Chaos Volley

When the spell is resisted it still harms the
caster. Is this intended?

href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?p=134916">Keep up
with this bug list in our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016