Alterac Valley Tactics

by on May 09, 2008

<strong>How to win in Alterac Valley</strong>

How to win in Alterac Valley

Alterac Valley is a confusing place, especially with all the changes that Blizzard keeps implementing in an effort to balance it out for both factions. So while you may know the basic rules and understand the ideas behind how it works, the tactics and strategies to actually win may elude you. That's where Byron "Messiah" Mudry steps up the the plate this week, with a new section for our Alterac Valley guide that looks at the basic strategies and tactics that will allow you to win in the valley.

While on defense your job is basically to slow the enemy down as much as possible. You will not be expected to win the game, as you will be severely out numbered. You can however fear, trap, slow, mind control, polymorph and use every other crowd control or debuff you have to slow the opponent and frustrate them.

You can find all the details in our brand new Alterac Valley Tactics Guide.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016