At the Fishing Hole: Guide to Fishing in Lord of The Rings Online

by on Jun 11, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Gone Fishin'...</span><br>

Gone Fishin'...

Fishing in Lord of The Rings Online is a fun diversion when you want a
change of pace from all that questing and combat. Find out all about
the art of fishing with Darkgolem's newest guide: At The Fishing Hole.

takes roughly 3-4 hours to gain your last 10 points of fishing skill,
and about 20 minutes for your first 10 points of skill.  You
can only increase your skill by 10 points per day (the "clock" resets
at midnight EST), except on your first point of fishing, which does not
count to this rule.

the Fishing Hole: Guide to Fishing in Lord of The Rings Online

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016