Better Living through Inventory Management in GW2

by on May 23, 2012

We’ve put together a collection of tips to help keep the inventory management mini-game from critting you for too much damage, and keep you out enjoying the rest of the game instead.

Obtaining piles of shiny loot can be awesome, but figuring out what to do with the spoils of war after the fact can be a total drag. In fact, the most common MMOG inventory management systems could easily go by the alias D.R.A.G. – Doesn’t Respect the Average Gamer.

While there are still some aspects of inventory management in Guild Wars 2 that could be improved upon, overall ArenaNet has done a great job of giving players plenty of tools to work with. To that end, we’ve put together a collection of tips to help keep the inventory management mini-game from critting you for too much damage, and keep you out enjoying the rest of the game instead.

Head over to GuildWars2Hub to continue reading: Better Living through Inventory Management in GW2.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016