CB: Ironclad Zealot

by on May 16, 2006

<h1 style="color: rgb(204, 102, 0);">Ironclad Zealot</h1> <span style="font-style: italic;">By Save-vs.-DM</span><br> <br> The Ironclad Zealot is a wholly defensive paladin build. <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td> <scri

Ironclad Zealot

By Save-vs.-DM

The Ironclad Zealot is a wholly defensive paladin build.

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The ironclad
zealot focuses on taking as little damage as possible by avoiding hits
while still maintaining agro with the Intimidate skill and shield bash
attacks. This build will never deal a great amount of damage to
opponents, but you will be a tank without peer.

Character Snapshot

Starting Abilities

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 13

Constitution: 10

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 13

Charisma: 14 (+1 4th, +1 8th = 16)

Race: Human

Hit Points: 120

Saves (Includes Ability
bonuses, aura of good, and Enhancements)

Fortitude: +15

Reflex: +10

Will: +10

Class/Race Features class="pn-content-page-body"> class="pn-content-page-body">

class="pn-content-page-body"> style="font-style: italic;">1
bonus feat at first level: Humans are quick to master
specialized tasks and are varied in their talents. class="pn-content-page-body"> style="font-style: italic;"> style="font-style: italic;">4 extra skill points at first level and 1
extra skill point at each additional level: Humans are versatile
and capable. Aura of Good (+2 bonus
Armor Class and saving throws) class="pn-content-page-body">Bonus
The Battlemage receives a bonus combat-oriented feat at
Level 1 and one additional bonus combat feat at each even fighter level
thereafter). Divine Grace (Add
bonus to saving throws) Divine Health (Immune to
magical and mundane diseases) Remove Disease 1/rest Smite Evil 2/rest Turn Undead 6/rest


Balance 2 ranks (+3 total)

Intimidate 13 ranks (+19 total)

Others as desired

Feats (in the order taken)

Combat Expertise: Trade attack bonus for Armor Class

Dodge: Gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class

Shield Mastery: Gain an additional +2 Armor Class and damage reduction
2/- when blocking

Improved Shield Bash: Retain shield bonus when making a shield bash

Skill Focus (Intimidate): +3 to Intimidate checks

Improved Shield Mastery: Gain an additional +5 Armor Class and damage
reduction 5/- when blocking


Bulwark of Good III (Aura of Good provides an additional +3 bonus to
Armor Class)

Fighter's Combat Expertise I (Gain an additional bonus to Armor Class
when using combat expertise)

Paladin's Action Boost IV (Gain short term boost to Armor Class, attack
bonus, or saving throws)

Resistance of Good III (Aura of Good provides an additional +3 bonus to
saving throws)

Spellcasting: DC 11 + Spell

Spell Points: 110 (80 base + 30 ability modifier)

Typical Level 1 Spells Prepared:
Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor

Typical Level 2 Spells Prepared:
Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor

Detailed Progression by Level

Level 1:
Starting as
fighter grants you an extra Feat. Added to the extra Feat for being
human, the Ironclad Zealot starts with 3 Feats, a good repertoire to
help you survive the low levels.

Class trained: Fighter Skills: Balance x4, Intimidate x4
Feats: Dodge, Combat Expertise, Shield Mastery Enhancements: Fighter's Combat Expertise I, Fighter's Action
Boost I, Human Versatility I, Skill Tactics I

Level 2:
Now you begin
your training as a paladin.

Class trained: Paladin Skills: Intimidate x1 Enhancements: Fighter's Combat Expertise I, Paladin's Action
Boost I, Paladin's Grace I, Skill Tactics I

Level 3:
Improved Shield Bash will allow you to use your shiled as a weapon
without losing its bonus to armor class.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Feat: Improved Shield Bash
Enhancements: Bulwark of Good I, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost I, Resistance of Good I

Level 4:
Place your
Ability point into Charisma.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Enhancements: Bulwark of Good I, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost II, Resistance of Good I

href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?set_albumName=Exclusive_Screenshots&id=Ironclad_Zealot&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> alt="Ironclad Zealot"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 267px; height: 200px;" align="left">-Character
Level 5:
This is a
farily uneventful level. You will not be changing any Enhancments or
gaining any Feats.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Enhancements: Bulwark of Good I, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost II, Resistance of Good I

Level 6:
Use your Feat
for Skill Focus and select Intimidate as your skill. This will better
enable you to pry monsters away from your party members.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Feat: Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Enhancements: Bulwark of Good I, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost II, Resistance of Good I

Level 7:
This level
will allow you to upgrade several Enhancements.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Enhancements: Bulwark of Good II, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost III, Resistance of Good II

Level 8:
your Ability point into Charisma to increase your modifier to +3.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Enhancements: Bulwark of Good II, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost III, Resistance of Good II

Level 9:
Shield Mastery will make you a defensive powerhouse behind your shield.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Feat: Improved Shield Mastery
Enhancements: Bulwark of Good II, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost III, Resistance of Good II

Level 10:
This final
level brings about more Enhancement upgrades, completing your defenses.

Class trained: class="pn-content-page-body">Paladin Skills: class="pn-content-page-body">Intimidate x1 Enhancements: Bulwark of Good III, Fighter's Combat Expertise I,
Paladin's Action Boost III, Resistance of Good III

Notes: Playing an Ironclad
Zealot is really quite simple. In general, you should keep Combat
Expertise on most of the time, unless you happen to be fighting hoards
of creatures with a low attack bonus. When you encounter a large group
of creatures, simply wade into the hoard and hit Intimidate to pull the
agro. At this point, go into blocking mode and use shield bash attacks
to hold the agro while your allies cut down the mob.

If you're up against an opponent with a very high armor class, hit your
paladin action boost to increase your attack bonus. If you're up
against an opponent with a very good attack bonus, hit your paladin
action boost to increase your Armor Class.

While this build will never see a lot of glory in the dungeon's of
Stormreach, you will keep your allies alive much longer and save your
cleric precious spell points. This build isn't for the glory seekers –
it's for the team-oriented and defensive player. For you players with
slower reflexes, this is a good build for you. This build requires very
little “twitch” combat, so it tends to be better for those of us who'd
rather not jump around like a monkey on speed.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016