Claiming Your Pre-Order Items in The Secret World

by on Jul 02, 2012

Every few minutes on The Secret World early access chat channels we see someone ask, "How do I claim my pre-order items?" Since it's not as intuitive as /claim, here's the quick and easy answer.

A question we've seen asked frequently on the chat channels in The Secret World early access is this:

How do I claim my preorder items?

It's simple! Just log into the game and either access the store feature through the Menu or press the comma [,] key to bring it up.

You can claim your preorder items from this screen. They'll have a cost of 0 points.

Click the "Buy" button and purchase the item. It will appear in your inventory. (Note that during active times when a lot of store transactions are being processed some players have experienced lag between their claim and the item appearing in inventory.)

And that's all there is to claiming your The Secret World pre-order bonus items. Enjoy!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016