Cleric Level 11-20 Guide - Rolling Solo

by on Jul 30, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Smack, Smite, Heal, Rinse, Repeat...</span><br>

Smack, Smite, Heal,
Rinse, Repeat...

What's not to love about playing a Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Cleric? You
can defend yourself admirably, lay down a decent melee smackdown, and
heal yourself when your enemies put up a fight. Plus the Cleric is
arguably the best solo class in the game. Shayalyn offers up some level
11-20 tactics for the cleric who likes to go it alone:

If you're planning to
solo, the key is to make the most of your DPS. In
these levels, doing that is a matter of rotating through your attacks
and managing your endurance. If you won't require a lot of mana for
healing, don't be shy about using Anathema to add a little direct
damage into the mix. The faster you kill, the less you need to heal.
(The faster you kill...the faster you gain experience, too.)

Check out the href="">Level
11-20 Guide for the Solo Cleric

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016