DDO Top 10: Reasons to Play a Cleric

by on Jul 16, 2006

<h1 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">DDO Top 10: Reasons to Play a Cleric</h1> <span style="font-style: italic;">By Brennie</span><br> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' s

DDO Top 10: Reasons to Play a Cleric

By Brennie

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Clerics are the paragons of the healing archetype in any
massively-multiplayer online game. Dungeons & Dragons Online:
Stormreach (DDO) is no different. Clerics are the best healers in the
game. If DDO deviates from the standard in any way it's in how clerics
can hold their own in melee combat. Below you will find a handy list of
reasons you should consider being a cleric in DDO. But beware: while
clerics are loved beyond all other classes, the expectations of them
are extremely high!

Everyone wants you for his party! 

Just like a keg at a frat party, a cake at a wedding reception, or a
clown at a birthday party (okay, maybe not the clown) style="font-style: italic;">everyone wants
you in his party! Waiting for a group to invite you, or waiting for
that group to finally find a
healer is a non-issue. Why? Because it's
just not a party without a cleric!

When I get that feelin', I need clerical healin'

Clerics are, without a doubt, the best healers in the game. Packing
spontaneously cast (always available) Cure spells, Enhancements and
Feats to increase those Cure spells, and a wide variety of status
removal spells, Clerics can keep their party alive, active, and

Clerics turn undead into un-undead

With Cure spells, Searing Light, Holy Smite, and that oh so wonderful
Turn Undead ability, clerics strike fear into the hearts of fearless
undead! Heartless undead too, for that matter…

“Because I make this look good”

No more robes and staves for these casters! Clerics sport the latest
active wear in the form of heavy armor and large shields. Thus clerics
can match or surpass the armor class of their group mates. Clerics also
have the ability to accessorize with a good selection of weapon
choices, with their best choices being heavy maces or morningstars for
melee, and heavy crossbows for range. And while a fighter can wield a
shield and heavy armor combo too, clerics make it look good!

We're here to pump you up!

Clerics have some of the best buffs in DDO, able to increase attack
bonuses, armor class, resistances, Abilities, and even the cleric's own
combat power! In later levels, and with the Extend Spell Feat, clerics
can have some cheap-but-effective buffs on their party members at all

Fill ‘er up!

Health isn't the only thing clerics can restore. With a lovely little
Enhancement known Divine Vitality (DV), clerics can funnel unused Turn
Undead into spell points for other casters. This keeps your bard
barding, your wizard whizzing, your sorcerer scorching, and becomes
even more of a boon when you can restore the spell points of someone
capable of doing a little extra healing! Save that shrine, you won't
need it… ever!

Any spell you can know, you do know!

Unlike wizards, who have to find or purchase a scroll for every spell
they want, or sorcerers and bards, who can only have a very limited
selection of spells in their character's lifetime, clerics instantly
have available to them every spell they can cast. Thus, once you level
to level 3, your spell list will have every level 2 cleric spell on it.
Now to figure out which spells to prepare…

Handy dandy Swiss-army cleric!

Even without multi-classing, clerics have amazing flexibility in what
role they take. Some people prefer battle clerics, using the clerical
self-buffs to augment their combat prowess. Others prefer to be a
walking shrine, healing health and mana of teammates with nearly
unlimited capacity. Clerics can also range, shield block/tank, distract
enemies, and (when someone else can shoulder the healing
responsibility) can go into full crowd control and damage spell mode!
And you thought bards were versatile!

Like duct tape, clerics can fix anything!

href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?set_albumName=Exclusive_Screenshots&id=Turn_Undead&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> alt="Turn Undead"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 267px; height: 200px;" align="left">If
it annoys you, a cleric can fix it (except your little brother; you're
on your own with that one). Clerics can cure poison, disease, fear,
doom, bane, hold, slow, Ability damage, level drain, enfeeble, idiocy
(but only on the character, not the person playing it), and two of the
most dreaded status ailment in the game: Blindness and Curse. In fact,
neither of those two ailments can be removed style="font-style: italic;">without a cleric (barring
a rather expensive potion, a donation to a tavern bother/sister, or a
quick dirt nap). Finally, at later levels, clerics have the ability to
undo the most common and annoying ailment in the game – Death. Warning:
desire to eat human brains is a normal side effect after being brought
back from the dead.

Everybody loves Ray—er, clerics!

Clerics are by far the most appreciated class in the game. Play a
cleric, and the DDO community will think you are a better person than
you actually are. Build and play your cleric well, and you will have
groups pouring out praise at your ability to get them through that
tight spot (you know, the one with the wraiths and the reavers
*shudder*). And thus, when you find yourself in a tight spot, your
party is much more willing to help you out, be it with Cure wands,
divine scrolls, or enough muscle to put the smack down on that baddie
that's picking on you.


Items that didn't quite make the top 10 list:

The “my gods made me do it” excuse Bull Dung (it's a joke waiting to happen) Clerics get to stockpile healing potions There's no substitute for clerics, only backup healers Feeling of importance and self-worth Can withhold DV/healing to “teach groupmates a lesson” Can Command enemies to lie down (Note: does not work on other
players, no matter HOW cute they are) No matter how good clerics are, they can still summon hell
hounds, fiendish scorpions and giant spiders Can make up gods/holy symbols (for instance Manic-o, god of
bipolarness!) Eternal hatred of 2-handed warforged barbarians Full dental plan Leaving a dungeon before anyone else, while your pet is still
active. Always hilarious! Hold Person is essentially a level 2 instant death spell Don't need to max Wisdom, allowing for better stat distribution Don't need to add any Intelligence, allowing for hysterical
roleplay options Priest jokes (A shaman, a druid, and a cleric walk into a bar…) Nicknames such as Doogie Howser, or *your name* MD

do you enjoy most about the
cleric? Tell us in our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016