Dec Take #1

by on Dec 06, 2005

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When Knighthood Was in Bloom

by Niborea

Ask people about the paladin and you may hear her described as noble,
chivalrous, passionate in the cause of freedom and justice, and vanquishing
evil. Many envision paladins as the "knights in shining armor,"
astride a steed, wearing plate armor, carrying a sword and shield, often
emblazoned with some form of symbol of their allegiance, be it a deity
or king.

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Knights: The paladins are synonymous with knights, whose birth
began in the middle ages with the knighthood. The term knight comes
from the Old English (cniht=boy, servant); while chivalry comes
from the French (chevalerie, meaning a warrior who fought on horseback).
In modern English, chivalry means the ideals, virtues, or characteristics
of knights.

Historically, knights were the defenders, beginning as warriors, but
by 1100 knighthood had become a whole new way of life. Knights were expected
to be brave and honorable, to uphold the honor of women, and to protect
the weak. Tales of chivalry were very popular during the Middle Ages and
some of the more notable ones were written or sung about Sir Gawain, Sir
Lancelot and Sir Galahad.

Enter the Paladin (D&D Glossary): A class made up of
characters who are champions of justice and destroyers of evil, with an
array of divine powers.

The paladin was originally introduced as a subclass of fighter in Dungeons
& Dragons. It is a class of mounted warriors, knights a cut above
the fighter both in combat and in society. Paladins adhere to Chivalry
and have strong ties to a religious order. In many aspects they keep to
the virtues of the Knights of the Middle Ages.

Should the paladin knowingly performs a chaotic act, he must perform
an act of penance. He is required to give away excessive wealth, keeping
only that which is necessary to meet personal expenses and maintain his
troops and fortifications. He may participate in an adventure in which
he is working with non-evil neutrals, but only if it will further a lawful
good cause.

This vision of the paladin has been carried over to most MMOs and implemented
in various ways but always with the feeling of being virtuous.

In Everquest paladins are described as a holy knight of the
world, working to spread valor and justice to all. They are primarily
a melee class, able to wear plate armor and wield many kinds of weapons.
They have a small amount of arcane ability, but are mostly warriors who
protect others and take damage. In tough situations, they can call upon
the gods for healing power. Paladins are the greatest force against undead.

In Vanguard we are likely to see a slight shift. It has been stated
that a paladin will be a virtuous knight with the choice of devoting herself
to one of the many gods or rely on her own inner beliefs and conduct to
gain divine favor when she is ready to make that step. It has also been
stated that paladins will be on equal footing with the other defensive
fighters--no longer will they be merely second-class tanks.

I played a paladin in Everquest for over three years; she was in her
53rd season when she was retired so I could play my monk when my husband
began playing.

When I went to roll my first character on the Brell Serilis server, I
was drawn to the idea of being a "Knight." I had the vision
of a proud but noble soul, dressed in shining armor, seeking adventure
through virtuous deeds.

I have always had a deep sense of how to conduct myself; I seem to have
been imbued with a strong feeling of right and wrong. From an early age
my parents and others would comment that I seemed born of another time,
an "old soul." I think this is why the paladin class speaks
to me so strongly.

To me, keeping the virtues alive are more important than ever and below
is list of modern virtues and how I feel they apply to MMOs and in my

• Courage

More than bravado, today's knight must have the courage of the
heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous,
and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.

This hit home to me as my father's health declined. He has a rare dementia
called Pick's and we have been caring for him at home the past two years.
As he became incontinent and could not manage his hygiene, I had to step
in. It was one of the hardest things in my life to that point. But as
his time here grows shorter I feel blessed to have this opportunity to
make sure he is cared for with the love and dignity he deserves.

• Justice

A knight holds herself to the highest standard of behavior, and knows
that "fudging" on the little rules weakens the fabric of society
for everyone.

I think this is so true in the online community, where anonymity gives
the sense of freedom to be rude and inconsiderate or go around "grieving."
I try to always treat people the way I want to be treated.

• Mercy

Words and attitudes can be painful weapons in the modern world, which
is why a knight exercises mercy in her dealings with others, creating
a sense of peace and community, rather than engendering hostility and

Typed words do not always hold the intended inflections or meanings and
can be misunderstood quickly. I have always tried to be extra careful
when typing, so that I what I say cannot be construed as rude or insensitive.

• Generosity

Sharing what's valuable in life means not just giving away material
goods, but also time, attention, wisdom and energy--the things that create
a strong, rich and diverse community.

This is one that I feel I have been pretty successful at keeping in the
MMO community and one I try to do to the best of my ability in my real
life. I spent much of my time in Everquest helping others; be it a quest,
camping an item, buffing, or just answering questions. I try to be as
giving with my family and friends as well.

• Hope

More than just a safety net in times of tragedy, hope is present every
day in a modern knight's positive outlook and cheerful demeanor-- the
shining armor that shields her, and inspires people all around.

I have been blessed with a happy spirit. I've had many people comment
on how cheerful I always seem to be…I hope it's contagious.

In retrospect I don't think any class has ever felt so ME. When I play
a paladin it gives me a sense of coming home? Do you have a class like
that? Share with us your insights into your favorite class.

Editor's Note: Artwork is © by Robin Studios.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016