EQ2: Rodcet Nife Deity Quest Guide

by on Feb 10, 2009

<p>Rodcet Nife is the good-aligned deity brought back into the light with EverQuest II's "The Shadow Odyssey" expansion. Known as "The Prime Healer" this god is particularly well geared to the...</p>

Rodcet Nife is the good-aligned deity brought back into the light with EverQuest II's "The Shadow Odyssey" expansion. Known as "The Prime Healer" this god is particularly well geared to the good-aligned healers of Norrath. You'll find that he provides a wisdom buff with the god pet and useful abilities that will aid players in their quest to preserve the life and health of their comrades.

For those that choose to follow Rodcet Nife we have provided, in our Rodcet Nife Deity Quest Guide, a step-by-step walk through of each of the quests to make your path to greatness just a little bit easier.

Now wouldn't you know it? The Agent of Bertoxxulous managed to infect you with something questionable! Return to Bainyn and he will send you on a mission to find the components for the cure starting in Zek, The Orcish Wastes. Here you will need to speak with Viddle Sprocketbender who is found right there on the docks from the bell. Buy from him the Distilled Oaken Root vial for 6s. Then head to your nearest broker or alchemist and grab a Superb Noxious Remedy, which is a crafted item.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016