EQ2: Updated Dirge Class Guide

by on Dec 14, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Funereal songs included</span><br> <br> We've gotten a few really helpful tips from our Dirge readers, so they have now been added to the guide for all to see!&nbsp; The best advice is working advice from those who <sp

Funereal songs included

We've gotten a few really helpful tips from our Dirge readers, so they
have now been added to the guide for all to see!  The best
advice is working advice from those who style="font-style: italic;">kniw their
class.  If you're a Dirge and you want to know all the secrets
to successful character progression, then check out this guide.

The dirge is a very mysterious, yet very alluring,
bard class that
roams the land using his enchanting songs to prey upon the unsuspecting
inhabitants of Norrath.

With the most appealing combination of defensive and offensive
abilities, the dirge is a one of a kind class that will not only make
you the most popular scout on your server if you are well skilled, but
it will also give you the sense of gratification that you are walking
amongst players that truly desire to have your unique talents amongst
their ranks.

Updated Dirge Class Guide Fan of the Dirge? Check out the guide, then discuss the
class in our href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=22050">EQ2
community forum

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016