Features List

by on Feb 02, 2006

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Features List

On Monday January 30, 2006 Sigil Games Online issued a press
release with some core information on the much anticipated Vanguard: Saga
of Heroes. Included in this press release is a listing of the features being
planned on for the release of the game sometime in 2006. Below, find these
features and be sure to let us know what you think of them by following the
link to the forums at the bottom of the page.

Key Features of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes:

Discover intriguing adventures and fearsome creatures
across two vast continents and an enchanted archipelago which form
the ancient lands of Telon.
Encounter the world as one of 19 classic fantasy
races including dwarves, barbarians, a variety of elves, and exotic
human/animal combinations.
Guide your character along the path of one of 15
exciting professions including Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Psionicist,
Bard, and Rogue.
Build chains of special attacks and reactions with
Openers, Bridges, and powerful Finishing moves.
Unique spells are distinctively enhanced when you
possess special items.
As a diplomat cunning words are your most powerful
weapon as you curry favor in centers of power.
Collect essential materials and use skills such
as blacksmiting, alchemy and ship building to create valuable and
powerful items.
Travel on horseback, join a caravan, or take your
entire group on a sea-based adventure to discover faraway lands.
Make Telon feel like home by furnishing your own
house with unique items.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016