Glory of the Cataclysm Hero Achievement Guide

by on Jan 30, 2011

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This guide is all about how to get through the achievements that you are required to finish to get the overall achievement of Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.  Many of these achievements are not easy, in fact some are down right hard, even in raid gear, however if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun or worth doing, now would it. 

As you can see there are 27 boss fight achievements that need to be completed as well as the achievement for completing all of the Cataclysm Heroic instances.  Needless to say completing all of these will take some time and serious effort. The reward for doing this however is a very nice looking mount and the knowledge that you have done what most others will not.  Probably way less than 1 in 25 WoW players got the WotLK hero achievement, and I can not see more than that getting this one as it is much more difficult.

Rather than go through the list of sub achievements in the order listed, I am going to list them by instance so that we are not jumping around from instance to instance in the guide.

Therefore, the instances are listed in the order that we present them on our Zone and Instance Progression Guide.

Achievements by Instance

Throne of Tides Blackrock Caverns Stonecore Vortex Pinnacle Lost City of Tol’vir Grim Batol Halls of Origination Shadowfang Keep Deadmines

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016