How to Farm 100 Gold and Hour in World of Warcraft

by on May 05, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Make Gold in WoW...the Legitimate Way!</span><br>

Make Gold in WoW...the
Legitimate Way!

Some websites would ask you to pay $20-40 real life dollars for a guide
to making money in World of Warcraft. Forget those guides, and forget
the gold sellers who want you to pay cash for virtual gold. We're going
to let you in on a few of the secrets to making gold
quick! Our totally free guide will give you the info on how to
farm up 200 gold in roughly 2 hours (even quicker if you're well geared
or once you get everything down). Why rely on gold farmers who sap away
your real life cash (and ruin our game)? Use our guide and find
yourself rolling in the gold as casually or hardcore as you want to
take it!

So if you run all of the Isle of Quel'Danas quests
(1hr, 140 gold), do
the Kil'Jaeden quests (20min, 30 gold), hit up the PvP daily (20
minutes, 10 gold), and then do two more dailies from somewhere else
(20min, 20 gold) then you'll be done for the day with 210 gold after 2
hours. That's not including items that may drop or some of the quest
rewards! As if that wasn't sweet enough the best thing is that you'll
be able to break these quests up into smaller chunks throughout your
day. You don't even have to spend it all in one session. As casual or
hardcore as you want to take it.

to Farm 100 Gold in World of Warcraft within an Hour

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016