Ibis, Master of Hidden - II. Finding Secret Knowledge

by on Jul 20, 2008

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Ibis, Master of Hidden Secrets

- Mage -

I. Ibis, Master of Hidden
II. Finding Secret Knowledge

Finding Secret Knowledge

III. The Secrets of the Onyx Chamber

Related Quests

The Grim Grey God

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style="font-weight: bold;">Finding Secret Knowledge

"My destiny is at hand. I shall foil Thoth-Amon's maniacal plan to resurrect the ancient wizard empire of Archeron.

A Set priest named Tuthnemtip holds the knowledge that will lead to the undoing of Thoth-Amon's defenses. Kalanthes and Ibis the god of knowledge are indeed powerful allies.

I have one of Cha's protective charms. This charm will be useful if I am to breach the defenses of the most powerful sorcerer on earth.

I must search Tuthnemtip's abode in Kheshatta, but beware of guardians. There may be clues that reveal what he knows."

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Find Information in Tuthnemtip's Chamber

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style="font-style: italic;">The entrance to Tuthnemtip's Estate can be found in Kheshatta.

The second task given to you by Kalanthes is to search the abode of the Set priest named Tuthnemtip. Kalanthes believes that I may be able to find information there that will lead to the undoing of Thoth-Amon's defenses – information that will no doubt prove useful indeed. The entrance to Tuthnemtip's abode can be found at coordinates: 830, 600.

You were also warned to beware of guardians, and as you make your way into the estate you find a good number of guards that will need to be dealt with before you're able to properly search for clues. Upon besting the guards and their leader, you discover a series of five stone alters at coordinates: 120, 200. A dusty tome sits atop of each of the alters, any of which could contain the information you're looking for. As you begin your search however, you discover that it wasn't the house guards you'd been warned of but rather the House Tuthnemtip Warders who appear when you attempt to examine each of the tomes.

As you kill off the last of the demons, you discover a set of notes written in a strange occult script. This must be the information Kalanthes wanted you to find.

Quest Item
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style="font-style: italic;">Once inside Tuthnemtip's Estate you will have to locate the needed information.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016