Level 4 Divine Spells

by on May 21, 2006

<h1 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">Divine Spell List</h1> <h2 style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">Level 4<br> </h2> <br> <span style="font-style: italic;">By Zed</span><br> <br> <font class="pn-content-page-body">Fouth level cleric spells privide coun

Divine Spell List

Level 4

By Zed

Fouth level cleric spells privide
counters to some of the game's most annoying status effects.

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Death Ward
prevents death spells, energy drains, and negative energies from
hurting members of your party. Neutralize Poison removes existing
toxins and protects the body from new ones. Restoration replenishes
levels and ability points lost to enemy casters.

The only buff available at this level is Divine Power, which only
affects the caster. It will increase a cleric's melee output slightly,
but does not help the rest of the party. For a spell that you cannot
get until your 7th level of cleric, it's a bit underwhelming.

Cleric looking to cause damage will want to memorize Holy Smite. Though
it does not harm enemies with a good alignment, it can do a lot of
damage to a group of evil enemies. From the moment you can prepare the
spell, Holy Smite will do 3d8 to all evil enemies within its area of
effect. While that has less potential than the 4d8 +7 damage possible
with Inflict Critical Wounds, it damages more than one foe and is not
resisted as well.

Summon Monster IV summons a spider than shoots webs and globs of poison
from a distance, so it provides less damage than previous summons. It
can still help keep an enemy at bay, but it probably less useful than
Summon Monster III.

All spells are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being best).

Critical Wounds

Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: short

School: Conjuration

Range: Short

Area: Single target

Components: somatic, verbal

Duration: Instant

Target: Self. Friend, undead

Official Description: “Positive energy is channeled to heal critical
wounds of your target or damage undead for 4d8 +1 per caster level.”

Notes: All clerics gain this spell to represent their spontaneous
casting ability. A must use spell, the primary healing spell.



Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: short

School:  Transmutaion

Range: Medium

Area: Single target

Components:  Somatic, Divine Focus, Verbal

Duration:  2 Mins

Target: Self, Friend

Official Description “Grants an ally an immunity to death spells and
effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects.”

Notes: Provides protection against death effects and spells, energy
drain, negative energy. Useful against beholders, those pesky hounds
that cast Phantasmal Killer and any other creature that uses negative
effects. Its short duration makes it a strategic spell useful in
specific instances rather than constant use.



Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Short

School: Abjuration

Range: Medium

Area: single target

Components:  Focus, somactic, verbal

Duration: Instant

Save: Yes, negates

Target: Foe

Official Description: “Instantly Forces an extraplanar enemy back to
its proper plane.”

Notes: Instantly forces an extraplanar being back to its rightful
place. Useful against minions of ‘boss' creatures such as renders,
mephitis and elementals. Enemies can often save making this a good
spell for use with the Heighten Spell metamagic Feat.



Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Short

School: Evocation

Range: Self

Area: single target

Components:  Somatic, Divine focus, verbal

Duration: 1 Minute.

Target: Self

Official Description: “The divine power of a god imbues the caster with
power and skill in combat, increasing attack bonus, Strength, and hit

Notes: An excellent choice for an offensive combat cleric who wants to
wade into battle heroically against the final encounter. At level 10,
its equates to roughly +4 Strength, +5 increase to attack bonus and 3
hit points!



Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Medium

School: Evocation

Range: Medium

Area: 10ft radius

Target: Foe, positional, breakable

Components: Somatic, Verbal

Duration: Instant

Save: Yes, negates stun

Official Description: “Smites targets with holy power, evil targets
take 1d8 holy
damage per 2 caster levels and are stunned for 6 seconds. Does not
affect good targets. Neutral targets take half damage. Evil Outsiders
take instead 1d6 holy damage per caster level.”

Notes: Causes damage to all in the area of effect if the target meets
the criteria or the spells effects.


Critical Wounds

Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Short

School: Necromancy

Range: Short

Area: single target

Components: somatic, verbal

Duration: Instant

Save: Yes, for half damage

Target: Foe

Official Description: “Negative energy is channeled to inflict 4d8+1
per caster level damage on your target enemy or heal undead a like

Notes: The close range of this spell makes it less useful than other
damage spells.


Poison href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?set_albumName=Exclusive_Screenshots&id=Preparing_Spells&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> alt="Preparing Spells"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 267px; height: 200px;" align="right">

Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Short

School: Conjuration

Range: Medium

Area: single target

Components: focus, somatic, verbal

Duration: Instant

Target: Self, friend

Official Description: “Detoxifies any sort of venom in an ally, causing
him to suffer no additional effects from the poison. Additionally, it
immunizes the ally from any poison he is exposed to during the duration
of the spell.”

Notes: Useful when you know you are fighting poison laden monsters.


Poison href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?set_albumName=Exclusive_Screenshots&id=Otto_s_Resistible_Dance&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> style="font-weight: bold;">

Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Short

School: Necromancy

Range: Medium

Area: single target

Components: Somatic, Divine focus, Verbal

Duration: Instant

Save: Yes, negates

Target: Foes

Official Description: “Calls upon the venomous powers of natural
predators to infect the enemy with a horrible poison. This poison does
1d10 Constitution damage immediately and 1d10 Constitution damage after
1 minute.”

Notes: Target saves against each dose separately. Useful to weaken an
opponent and reduce its overall hit points.



Cool down (seconds): 8

Casting Time: Short

School: Conjuration

Range: Medium

Area: Single target

Components: Material, Somatic, Verbal

Duration: Instant

Target: Friend, self

Official Description: “Cures all temporary ability damage, restores
levels that have been drained, and eliminates fatigue or exhaustion
suffered by the ally.”

Notes: Useful when the target has a large amount of attribute damage
and wands are not available.


Monster IV

Cool down (seconds): Cleric 240Casting Time: long

School: conjuration

Range: medium

Components: material, somatic, verbal

Duration: 4 minutes

Target: self, directional

Official Description: “Summons a fiendish
spider to fight for you for a brief time. Casting this spell locks out
casting any other Summon Monster spell for 4 minutes.”

Notes: The spider is a weak combatant overall, useful only for delaying
and the odd poison hit on a foe.


fourth level spells does your
cleric use most? Tell us in our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016