LOTRO: Deeds of Angmar

by on Nov 14, 2007

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Kindly Deeds...Done Dirt Cheap?</span><br> <br> There are many deeds a brave one can earn in the dark places of Middle-earth and they don't get much darker than Angmar. This weeks new guide list all the deeds to the l

Kindly Deeds...Done Dirt

There are many deeds a brave one can earn in the dark places of
Middle-earth and they don't get much darker than Angmar. This weeks new
guide list all the deeds to the lands of Angmar, the rewards for
completing them, and what task you need to perform to earn them.

The Dark lands of Angmar once housed the kingdom of
the Witch-king
before he was driven out by Earnur and Glorfindel. Within these lands
there are many deeds to be earned by willing adventurers. Those who
muster the will to brave the pass of Ram Duath can earn skills through
deeds that will aid them in the fight for Middle-earth.

of Angmar href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?p=182015#post182015">Hit
the forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016