Session Play: Are you Too Chicken?

Turbine recently gave players a preview of it's next content addition called Session Play. RadarX examines the innovation of playing temporary characters, and explains how much a chicken could really affect the game.

Love them or hate them, it's hard to argue Turbine can't think outside the box in their development. Continually providing content just a little outside the norm, things like Fellowship Maneuvers and the Epic Story Line prove there is a concerted effort to make Lord of the Rings Online a unique experience. In a recently released sneak preview of the next content release, we got a look at what they will be calling Session Play. What is it? According to the preview, it means "you to play as a character other than your normal character." Feel more enlightened? The examples of characters it listed were a Ranger, a Troll, and even a chicken. Yes, an actual chicken.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016
