LOTRO: Your Guide to Playing Sauron's Minion - The War Leader

by on May 06, 2009

<p> As the saying goes, there will be plenty of time to sleep when you're dead. While that may not do for those of us in the real world, the War Leader demands nothing less from those around him....</p>

As the saying goes, there will be plenty of time to sleep when you're dead. While that may not do for those of us in the real world, the War Leader demands nothing less from those around him. Even then, he'll resurrect they're sorry butts if they have the audacity to die in his sight. See why the War Leader is feared by Freeps throughout the realm for this reason and so many more.

It's no secret that I love spell-slinging classes as much (if not more) as anyone. Even so, there are times when nothing satisfies a bloodthirsty craving like getting right up in the face of your enemy and splitting it with a sword or bashing it in with a shield. Behold the Lord of the Rings PvMP battlefield commander, the Uruk War Leader. Designed to drive your fellow Creeps on to greatness, the War Leader juggles filling multiple roles. It may sound confusing, but that's exactly what makes the War Leader so much fun.

To read the rest of LOTRO: Your Guide to Playing Sauron's Minion - The War Leader, click here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016