Lurking Dangers - Avoiding Deaths in WoW

by on May 01, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Better off Dead? No Way!</span><br>

Better off Dead? No Way!

The World of Warcraft is a dangerous place, and while death is
unavoidable in some situations, there are many things you can do to
minimize the number of times you die. Even though the World of
Warcraft has a very forgiving death penalty, you still want to be
careful. If you aren't, you'll very quickly find that you spend most of
your play time running back from a grave yard instead of
actually playing the game. Byron "Messiah" Mudry helps all the new (and
not so new) players avoid a few extra deaths with a guide to the
lurking dangers in World of Warcraft.

Watch where you are going - Remember when you were a
kid, and your mom yelled at you for running across the road without
looking? Chances are
if you don't, you lived in a quite country town, or you wouldn't be
around any more. The same logic applies for looking where we are going
in WoW. We all know this, yet for some reason we all end up dead at the
bottom of a cliff, an elevator or in a middle of a group of Mobs we
never quite saw. This can be very embarrassing when it happens in the
middle of Shattrath with a bunch of guildies around, yet we have all
done it.

Dangers - Avoiding Deaths in WoW

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016