
by on May 26, 2005

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The Paladin

Stunning examples of Truth and Light is the age old maxim to describe a paladin. Her virtue and grace are visible in each movement, each word spoken and each prayer whispered. Many have the misconception that her divine abilities come from declared service to a single god. MMOs have held to this misconception, until now. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes has returned to the true source of power for the virtuous knight.

It is easy to understand the paladin as envisioned by Sigil Games Online when you realize that throughout history, we have shining examples of paladins. Sir Gawain, Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad were all virtuous knights who were able to gain seemingly divine favor based on their inner beliefs and conduct. So too will the paladin of Telon. She will have the choice if devoting herself to one of the many gods when she is ready to make that step. Until then it will be her virtue that will empower her.

Players of paladins will feel empowered themselves as finally they will stand on equal ground in combat with the warrior, the inquisitor and the dread knight. No longer will they be cast aside without a chance to show their abilities at the front of the group in combat. She will have secondary duties that include buffing her group and healing.

The paladin will have access to Gifts of Virtue. These gifts allow her to have abilities such as the standard Lay on Hands. As there is more information released on these abilities we will update this description. Gifts of Virtue will use virtue points that will have cooling off times based on the level and skill of the paladin.

She will come upon the battlefield dressed in heavy armor polished to perfection wielding a sword and shield. Others will stand beside her in her cause perhaps forgoing the shield for the larger two-handed weapons. Whatever the choice, the time of the paladin is upon us.




Creation guide

Race Guides

Skills List

Spells List

Paladin Quest List

Paladins in the News



Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016