Tabula Rasa: Guide to Medics

by on May 30, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Get Me a Medic! Stat!</span><br>

Get Me a Medic! Stat!

Gone are the days of the quiet MASH units, when doctors waited for the
wounded to be brought in. These days the AFS healers are in the thick
of battle, racking up their own kill counts. The strength of a Medic
lies in their buffs and debuffs, and their versatile offensive weapons.
A big asset to squads, and an able-bodied soloer, the Tabula Rasa Medic
answers the call to fight the Bane menace. Ten Ton Hammer has updated
this guide to include the changes that have come to the class this year.

style="font-style: italic;">Use this ability with your Viral
Injector Gun, and bypass the armor with different damage types hitting
the health of your targets. If you're a fan of using injector guns
exclusively, you will appreciate gaining Physical, Sonic and EMP
Injectors. We find the most potential in this ability at the final EMP
pump, so save your points to build up this skill when you can.

Rasa: Guide to Medics

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016