Tabula Rasa: Guide to Torden Incline Plains Post

by on Feb 26, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">More Questing...If You're So Inclined</span><br>

More Questing...If You're
So Inclined

If you thought Richard Garriott’s Tabula Rasa’s Torden Plains was
inhospitable, you'll likely find Torden Incline to be downright hostile
thanks to on going battles and volcanic activity. Plains Post is the
first stop you'll make in the Incline zone sitting right at the
entrance to Plains. Your mission progression will lead you here and
provide a few simple objectives that will not only hand out some good
experience but give you the lay of the land.

Hand over that report, soldier, and make it snappy
because Commander
Foletto "ain’t got all day, despite the near-endless puke green
sunshine on this crap-hole."

Rasa: Guide to Torden Incline Plains Post
in our forums

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016