Tabula Rasa: Wedge Rock Outpost Guide

by on Feb 22, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Rock n' Roll!</span><br>

Rock n' Roll!

Who doesn't like a giant rock? Most people. But if you add forcefields
and huge laser cannons it starts to look a lot better. This is
essentially what the AFS did to create Wedge Rock Outpost and we've got
your complete guide to this area of Plateau. Don't get stonewalled in
this base, check out the information we have available.

There is nothing that feels safer than being
surrounded by dozens of
infantry within a cavernous mountain base. Eventually you'll have to
leave the comforts of Tabula Rasa's Fort Defiance and make your way to
other areas of Valverde Plateau for experience. One of your first trips
will be to the eastern area of the zone to a small AFS fort called
Wedge Rock Outpost.

Rasa: Wedge Rock Outpost Guide
in our Tabula Rasa forum

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016