The Awakening III - IV. Tears of the Ancients

by on May 16, 2008

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style="font-weight: bold;">The Awakening III


I. The Phoenix Medallion

II. Tears of the Ancients

III. The Escape

IV. Tears of the Ancients

Get Sacred Water

V. The Dark Touch

VI. Greater Plans


Related Quests Line

The Awakening I
Letter to the King I
The Awakening II
Letter to the King II
The Awakening III
End Battle


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style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="font-weight: bold;"> Tears of the Ancients

"Nadini told me to get sacred water from an Atlantean cave on White Sands Isle. It is on the western of the White Sands Isles, furthest away from the shore following a path. I might have to climb the cliffs. The boat in the harbor can take me to the shore. Now I must hurry and get the water to heal Tina!" style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="width: 150px; height: 149px;" alt="Click to expand"
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Get Sacred Water

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style="font-style: italic;">This version of White Sands Isle is a bit different.

After escaping from Strom’s dungeon you will resume your original mission to save Tina. Make your way to the rowboat in Tortage Harbor and go to White Sands Isle. The version of White Sands Isle you will enter is a bit different from the daytime version and is set up for this quest specifically. You will need to retrieve the sacred water for Tina from the Atlantean cave. To reach White Sands Isle you will need to travel to Tortage Harbor and use the rowboat. The boat can be found along the shoreline in the harbor.

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style="font-style: italic;">The water you need is within the cave.

You can find the entrance to the Atlantean Cave to the south. The Sacred Water can be found just inside the cave. Be prepared to fight as there are many enemies along the way.You will see a river with a glowing section. The part that glows with all the sparkly effects is the Sacred Water you need.







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style="font-style: italic;">Many enemies block your path to the cave

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style="font-style: italic;">You can enter the Atlantean Cave here.



Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016