The Phoenix of the South - III. Blood Corruption

by on Jun 08, 2008

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The Phoenix of the South

I. The Priestess of Derketo

II. Imprisoned

III. Blood Corruption

Get the Lotus from the supply room (0/3) Use the Lotus on the Alter (0/3)

IV. The Southern Atlantean Artifact

V. Remembering the Past

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style="font-weight: bold;">Blood Corruption

"The prisoner told me about a horrifying monster draining energy from a pool of blood. To weaken it, I must find some black lotus and corrupt the blood.

If I want to leave the cave, I have to take the plunge into the water and swim out."

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Get the Lotus from the supply room (0/3)

Use the Lotus on the Alter (0/3)

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style="font-style: italic;">Black Lotus are scattered around the cave.

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style="font-style: italic;">You will need to use the Black lotus on the Alter.

The way to the supply room will not be an easy one. Barring your path will be several Cannibal and Archeronian Slaves. Fight your way through and collect the three Black lotus scattered around the area. start on the left most hallway and work your way right. As you clear each you will come across a Black Lotus.

The lotus down the left path can be found at coordinates 289, 306. The lotus of the center path can be found at coordinates 314, 196 and it is guarded by several black scorpions. The lotus along the right path can be found at coordinates 309, 334.

Once you have collected the three Black Lotus make your way back to the cave to the right of the entrance. This will lead to an alter room where the sacrificial body is lying strapped to a table. Guarding that body is a Black Ring Arch Mage (Boss). You will need to eliminate him and his summoned minions to clear the way to the body. The fight isn't to hard but you might want to bring a healing potion just in case. Take him down and poison the running blood with the Black Lotus. You will have to click the alter once for each lotus. After you finish adding the poison enjoy watch as the spiked blood runs down to the crimson demon below in a blood feeding device that looks like something out of the Blade movie.


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style="font-style: italic;">The alter is guarded by the Black Ring Arch Mage.

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Use the Black Lotus flowers at the alter to weaken the demon .




Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016