The Waiting Game

by on Feb 24, 2006

<strong>9 Million "Are We There Yet?" Posts on the Forums Later...</strong><br> <br> ...and still no head start servers as of 1 a.m. Eastern. <br>

9 Million "Are We There Yet?" Posts on the Forums Later...

...and still no head start servers as of 1 a.m. Eastern.

Aaaaw, don't cry! Let me venture a little speculation. DDO Europe has announced that when their head start begins (several days later than ours) it will begin between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. GMT. To me, this gives us a good indication of when the North American servers might be coming online.

I say, go to bed, little soldier! Get your rest--you're going to need it for those caffeine-fueled hours of relentless play once the head start kicks off. I've got your back. And if those servers should happen to come online overnight instead of in the morning...

Well, then I'll be there first, won't I?

Here's to a sleepless night!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016