WAR: High Elf Public Quests: Chapter 3

by on Oct 28, 2008

<p>The High Elf Chapter 3 Public Quests take players of Mythic Entertainment’s Warhammer Online from their homeland of Blighted Isle, into the harsher lands of Chrace.

The High Elf Chapter 3 Public Quests take players of Mythic Entertainment’s Warhammer Online from their homeland of Blighted Isle, into the harsher lands of Chrace. From the ruins filled with Witch Elves, across a beach littered with orcs, to a prison camp run by Disciples of Khaine, the Order realm is in for a tough set of fights. Ten Ton Hammer’s guide outlines each of the three Public Quests, assuring all who enter are well prepared and ready to succeed.

The 3 Bolt Throwers at the camp's border must be protected from being completely destroyed. This part of the PQ is nearly impossible for players of the appropriate levels, and it will require a group at the very least. Waves and waves of orcs and Dark Elves assault the Eagle Claws, trying to destroy them. The best strategy here is to have all team members concentrate on one area, as the stage will advance as long as at least one of the 3 Claws survives. AOEs are a huge help here, as they will pull all mobs off the Claw. Defend the Claws through to the end of the timer to advance.

High Elf PQs: Chapter 3

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016