WAR: Updated Greenskin Chap.3 Public Quest Guide

by on Dec 18, 2008

Warhammer Online:Age of Reckoning wants to get you geared for WAR!!

Warhammer Online:Age of Reckoning wants to get you geared for WAR!! One of the best ways to get geared up is the unique Public Quest system in the game. Even if you're not lucky enough to roll high enough for the end loot, fine gear awaits you at the Rally Master, where you spend the influence you've earned. Recently, Mythic revamped a few of the Public Quests, making them easier for groups as well as increasing the frequency of the rare level loot drops! Now's the time to get in on these great quests and get your character geared up and for that you'll need to know what awaits you, because the gear isn't free, you have to earn it through blood and sweat! Check out Ten Ton Hammer's Updated Greenskin Chap.3 Public Quest Guide to see what's changed!

Stage I: Gather 30 Animal Hides. Awww, Sharpthorn Wud is full of cute cuddly animals... for you to kill! Bruza need hides for the war effort, you're gonna help him out. All you need to do is kill 30 animals of any type. The boars and the wolves are aggressive while the deer are not, but they still give you credit towards finishing the first stage of this PQ. These are all standard mob types and chances are, you can probably get a few Tome of Knowledge kill unlocks in the process of doing Stage I.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016