Warhammer Online Sorceress Career Mastery

by on May 21, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">The Winds of Magic are Blowing</span><br>

The Winds of Magic are

Harnessing the potent energy of the Winds of Magic is no small matter,
but in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the Dark Elven Sorceresses
make it look easy. These mistresses of the arcane are the heart of the
destructive forces of the Druchii armies, unleashing massive torrents
of mystical power upon the foes of the Witch King. However, all power
comes with a price and the Sorceresses are no exception. Lack of
careful planning will cause a backlash, doing massive damage to the
caster. To offset this possibility, or to even increase their power,
the Sorceress can follow one of three Paths of Mastery, the secrets
learned by only the most powerful Dark Elven magi.

The Path of Agony is mainly concerned with
slaughtering individual
enemies in the messiest and most direct ways possible. This path
contains a somewhat equal mix of volatile Dark Magic spells and more
stable magic.

Online Sorceress Career Mastery

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016