Weekly Newsletter 07_14_08: Starving Trolls

by on Jul 06, 2008

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Starving Trolls

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July 14th, 2008 - By

The Vanguard: Saga of Heroes team has been hard at work and deserves a
vacation. Since I doubt they're going to get one any time soon though,
my wife and I decided to take one for them. Just do me a favor and be
sure not to tell her that's the reason we're going! Seriously though,
it's high time I took some time off, so that's just I'm doing. As
you're reading this, I'm kicking back in sunny San Diego, California
enjoying some fun in the sun.

Fear not true believers! I haven't left the shop completely unattended.
Ten Ton Hammer's very own Harvester of Ponies, Ralsu, will be keeping
an eye on things while I'm gone, so no late night parties! For those
that are relatively new to the site, Ralsu was the Site Lead here
before he got a hankering for pony flesh and left the reins of the site
in my hands. So yes, be sure to blame him for having to put up with my
ramblings each week. Thanks Ralsu!

On to more relevant topics though!

As the weeks have been passing by, I've been talking about the ebb and
flow of the community on the servers in general and how things have
gone in a really positive direction over the last couple of months now.
I was worried what would happen to that community when the flood gates
were opened to game by way of the recently reactivated
accounts. The last time this happened (December of last year), there
were plenty of individuals that seemed to have nothing better to do
with their time than to log into the game and troll the regional chat
areas. As I've said in the past, I cannot possibly imagine having so
little to do in my life that I took the time to troll a game I don't
like, but to each their own.

In any case, I made a prediction a few weeks ago that I believed the
community had gathered enough of a solid base over the last half year
that the issue would end up being less pronounced than it was the last
time. I'm happy to report that it seems I was right, and I wanted to
take a moment to tell you all how proud I am of all of us. Not only am
I seeing a steady stream of truly helpful answers flow across my screen
in response to a number of constantly repeated questions, but I've been
amazed to also see a large number of people apologize (or at least say
just kidding) immediately after giving a smartass answer. I know the
strain of seeing the same questions get repeated over and over begins
to wear on anyone, and the majority of the folks weren't intentionally
being mean, but thank you so much for apologizing in the chat channel
immediately. Thank you all!

This certainly doesn't mean there haven't been any problems, or to say
there haven't been any incidents of extreme asshats spewing off at the
mouth. What it does mean though is that those people have been dealt
with relatively quickly. The community has been quick to implement a
number of different tactics that have been proving to be amazingly
effective and I encourage you all to keep it up.

The first tactic is to obviously ignore the troll completely. They
wither and die when their ego is completely ignored. This method seems
to have the fastest results, but admittedly is not as fun as some of
the others.

My favorite tactic, of which I don't remember seeing in the past, is
what I like to call, "The Hook". I'd put it up to complete coincidence
if I haven't been seeing it put to use more and more often as the days
go by. While it could just be a matter of luck or good timing, there
almost appears to be a pattern of intent behind it. In any case, I find
it pretty hilarious to watch and it makes me proud to be a part of the
community. I will make one warning and state this is neither the
quickest, nor the most mature method, of dealing with trolls but it
definitely has a distinct satisfaction to it.

The Hook - When a troll appears in the chat channels, they're normally
left to spew their typical Doom & Gloom propaganda for a few
minutes, up until the troll attempts to attack a player asking
a question. At this point, it seems that one member of the community
will engage the troll in a topic, using the same rhetoric and lack of
logic that trolls tend to. Every so often though, they will also toss
in a statement or two virtually guaranteed to pull the trolls complete
attention... normally something to do with the troll's lack of age,
their love
of animals, and complete lack of playing skills. At this point, the
troll concentrates on this single target and beings spewing off at the
mouth with abandon. While all this is going on, the rest of the
community is busy answering questions just as fast as other players can
ask them, thus showing the new and returning players that Vanguard does
indeed have a mature and helpful community.

It seems simply enough, and as I said, itcould be just a coincidence,
but it just doesn't feel that way to me. I say this simply for the fact
that it's normally only the one individual that volunteers to rile up
the troll until they foam at the mouth and log off, or at the very
least, finally shut up. No one else even bothers to engage them and
continues to concentrate on offering assistance to those that request
it. It seems too coordinated at times to be coincidence.

It may not be mature, it may not even technically be right, but by the
gods, it makes me laugh, and I thank the community profusely for their
monumental effort in assisting those players they can, and making
everyone feel welcome. That alone will build our community (and
subscription numbers) faster than anything else we can do.

Leave a comment href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=30511">here!

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of
the Ten Ton Hammer network or staff.

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