Weekly Newsletter 07_21_08: Back to Work

by on Jul 20, 2008

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Back to Work

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July 21st, 2008 - By

Even though I was on vacation last week, the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
team was still hard at work and slaving away while I was enjoying some
fun in the sun. Since I've been gone and haven't been able to play for
the last week, you all finally get a brief respite from me regaling you
with tales of my adventures within the world of Telon. Don't get too
excited though, because this just means I have to go off on a different
tangent this week.

As I type this, I'm currently patching my Test Server client to check
out the Isle of Dawn the Vanguard team was kind enough to push out last
week. For those that may not know, you can log into the Test Server by
going into your command line, getting to the folder your Vanguard
client resides in, and typing "vangaurd.exe /testserver" (without the
quotes). I'm sure there are other ways, some of which may be easier,
but that's the method I use and it works well.

The recent reactivation of previously cancelled accounts has had a very
noticeable effect on the population levels of the servers. I think the
Isle of Dawn trial client (when it's ready to go live) will do the same
for Vanguard, if not even more. Many of us have taken note of the
massive increase in buddy key requests floating around the various
forums. Gamers are virtually begging for a trial version to try out and
when that day finally comes, get ready for the flood. It's an exciting
time and as that day draws closer, I can't wait to see it come to

While I've been downloading the Test Server patches, it's pretty
obvious from the notes that the Disciple class and diplomats have a lot
of developer love coming their way. I've mentioned it before, but I'll
take this opportunity to say it again since it bears repeating. If you
are concerned in any way about the changes that are currently on the
Test Server, you need to log in there and try them out. If you do log
onto the Test Server, you also need to be sure to /bug anything you
feel isn't working as it should, and to provide feedback for the issues
you feel need to be altered by going to the Test Server section of the
official forums. If you do not take the time to try these changes out
and provide feedback for the development team, then I will tell you now
there will not be a single ounce of sympathy given to you if a change
you hate goes through to live. There will be no room for you to
complain and any complaints you do make will fall on deaf ears. For
those that take the time to go test and provide feedback, you are to be

Before I hop off of here this week, I want to remind everyone that the
early Fan Faire registration is coming to a close in less than two
weeks from now. If you want the full VIP treatment for $89, you need to
get cracking and make it happen. I'll be there this year and can't wait
to meet everyone that manages to make it!

Leave a comment href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=31280">here!

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of
the Ten Ton Hammer network or staff.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016