Weekly Newsletter 10_07_08: Come Out and Play

by on Oct 05, 2008

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Come Out and Play

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October 6th, 2008 - By

To say this was one of the more interesting weeks for me
in terms of my target="_blank">Vanguard:
Saga of Heroes gameplay time would be a bit of an
understatement to say the least. In one way, it was actually pretty
awesome because I had more time to play this past week than I have in
almost a year. Nothing in life is free of course and The Piper always
(and I do mean always) gets paid. What was the cost for me, you ask? A
week's worth of a horrible flu, cold, or whatever else you want to call
it. All I know is that it was less than pleasant and I had to use more
sick days from work last week than I've used in the last 2 years
combined. While I certainly wouldn't want to go through that again, it
really was nice having a good chunk of time to finally play.

During my playtime, I noticed a couple of things I think are worth
mentioning. First off, while I'm not sure the population levels have
risen as fast as I would have hoped, there did appear to be more people
on than there have been for some time, including during odd hours of
the night. For those that play during peak server times anyway, this
wouldn't really affect them in any way except forcing them perhaps to
fight a little more over any contested content they were after.
Personally, I doubt that's the case simply because the land of Telon is
so massive, the population would have to have a very significant
increase to make the world feel crowded.

target="_blank"> alt="Mortal Kombat lives!"

" style="font-weight: bold;">Flawless

For those like myself that normally only play in the wee hours of the
night or very early hours of the morning, getting a group can normally
be a much more difficult endeavor than I found it to be this past week.
For those that work the night shift (and there are more of us out there
than I imagine many people ever realize), it's sometimes discouraging
to hop on your favorite game and not have anyone to play with or at
least pester. Hopefully, the upward trend in population continues.

The other item that caught my eye was how helpful everyone was being.
There was one night last week where I admittedly wanted to strangle a
handful of asshats. I'm sure they know who they are, or at the very
least, I certainly hope they know how moronic they were being. Gods
save them if they don't and decide to act like that in the real world.
Other than those few though, the regional chat channels were filled
with general chatter, honest questions, and helpful answers.

Some people were so helpful in fact that I'm tossing around the idea of
adding a small section to my weekly href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=969"
here, entitled, "[Insert Server Name]'s Most Helpful Player of the
Week". It would be little more than letting the community know who I
thought was the most helpful in the regional chat channels. Not only do
I think it would be nice for nice players to be recognized, it may also
encourage others to be nicer as well. Who knows, you could be in next
week's edition. You never know what server I'll show up on, what
character names I'll be under, and what simple or bizarre questions
I'll be tossing out there.

To be fair, I was also debating whether or not to have a
"[Insert Server Name]'s Biggest Tool of the Week" highlight as well,
but I won't. There are some players that just do their best to poison
whatever chat channel they find themselves in. While it's a funny
thought to entertain, it just wouldn't be right. Aside from the fact
that even my Chronicles should follow the href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/announcement.php?f=81"
of our forums, I would also hate to just catch someone on a
really bad day. We've all been there, we've all had them, and at some
point or other, we've all said something we've regretted later. Keep
that in mind when someone is acting like a jerk in the game and maybe,
just maybe, they won't seem like such a big one.

What do you think? Leave a comment href="http://forums.tentonhammer.com/showthread.php?t=36538"

Have you missed any of Dalmarus' Vanguard Chronicles? Check out href="http://vanguard.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=969"
Archives to get caught up!

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of
the Ten Ton Hammer network or staff.

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Out and Play

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016