World of Warcraft Reputation Guides

by on Oct 09, 2009

Reputation is an important part of World of Warcraft. I’m not talking about your personal reputation but instead your reputation with the NPC factions in the game. Many bands of NPCs have a...

Reputation is an important part of World of Warcraft. I’m not talking about your personal reputation but instead your reputation with the NPC factions in the game. Many bands of NPCs have a faction that they’re aligned to that determines if they’ll give you quests, not talk to you, or try to kill you on sight. There are multiple levels of reputation that you can have and the level will determine how they’ll react to you. Some factions can never be won over, but some may give into your ability to endlessly grind quests or champion their name and hand over their spoils (and achievements).

We’ve got guides on many of the main reputations in the game along with guides that go over the basics (how to gain reputation, who you can gain reputation with, etc.). Why not peruse our guides and see if you can find what to your liking.

Gaining Favor - Reputation Basics The guide to explain to you what reputation, factions, and the rest How-To Gain Reputation How to gain reputation with the majority of factions.



Golden Lotus Reputation Guide

The Pandaren faction responsible for stopping the Mogu Shado-Pan Reputation Guide The defenders of the Pandaren way

Klaxxi Reputation Guide

Earning favour with the bugs of Pandaria Tiller Reputation Guide Learn to farm in WoW Order of the Cloud Serpent Reputation Guide Earn your own flying Cloud Serpent mount


Cataclysm Reputation Overview Basic Cataclysm Reputation Information


Northrend Class Reputation Guides Need to know what reputation



Netherwing The Netherwing gives you a pretty glowy flying dragon if you get exalted. Hellfire Peninsula Thrallmar/Honor Hold Sha'tari Skyguard Netheray's available here. Orgi'la Reputation Old school daily quests. Cenarion Expedition Cenarion epic flyer is pretty cool. Lower City Lower City reputation guides here. Sha'tar Shattrath city's faction. Aldor Old school enchants. Scryer Old school enchants. Sporeggar Mushroom people. Keepers of Time / Scale of the Sands Time traveling dragons. Consortium They like energy. Kurenai / Mag'har There is a mount available from them.



Wintersaber Reputation Unique alliance only mount.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016