WoW Extended Rogue Guide - Tactics

by on Feb 01, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Sneaky! Very Sneaky...</span><br>

Sneaky! Very Sneaky...

Playing a Rogue in World of Warcraft can be a daunting task given the
class's flexibility and finesse in combat. We're here to help with our
latest addition to our Rogue guide, the Extended Rogue Guide – Tactics.
This guide will explain to you in detail on how to pull enemies, use
opening/finishing moves, escape from combat, and lots of general PvP
and PvE tips. Both new and seasoned Rogues can gain some helpful advice
from our latest guide update.

When the mob is within range, Gouge. If the mob does
not resist the
stun effect, run behind the mob, spin around and Backstab. This takes
some practice to get used to, but after a few tries, you should be able
to do it almost without thinking about it. If the backstab does good
damage or critical strikes, it can be almost as effective as an Ambush.
Plus you've already built up 2 combo points before the mob got more
than one hit on you.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016