WoW: Guide to Optimizing your Daily Quest Revenue

by on May 09, 2008

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Quest for the Gold</span><br>

Quest for the Gold

Many people know how to make Gold in World of Warcraft: it's a matter
of completing quests and farming monsters in order to rake in some
cash. However, many do it less than optimally, or simply don't know
what they're capable of obtaining each day if they devote a few hours
to questing. With this guide, we aim to show you how to best spend your
time in order to make the most gold in the least time possible.

Daily Quests generally yield anywhere from 8 gold to
14 gold, depending
on the complexity of the Quest and the location of the same. A great
start for your day is within the Isle of Quel'danas - this zone has the
most daily quests in the game and all require different simple tasks
around the island.

Guide to Optimizing your Daily Quest Revenue

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016