WoW Guides : Rogue Trinkets

by on Jun 16, 2009

While it might be obvious when a piece of gear is better with 8 more agility, or more crit rating, or just bigger numbers, trinkets tend to throw everything you know to the wind with procs and...

While it might be obvious when a piece of gear is better with 8 more agility, or more crit rating, or just bigger numbers, trinkets tend to throw everything you know to the wind with procs and highly variable numbers. One might have 1000 hit, and one might have 1000 crit, and one might have 1000 ap and a proc to summon Drizzt Do'urden to laugh at you for misspelling his name. In our next World of Warcraft Rogue article, Stow breaks down what trinkets are the best around for each gear level.

The path to trinket enlightenment begins here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016